30. Bat

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Jiwoo stared at Jimin with teary eyes as one by one the tears fell from her eyes. "J-Jimin" she tried to grab hold of her but Jimin backed away. In the meantime, Hye-in ran beside Jungkook who quickly hugged her tightly. "you're alright?" Jungkook cupped her face but soon his gaze fell on her neck. Hye-in didn't need to explain because he understood and hugged her even tighter. 

"Jimin! don't say that! I love you!!" Jiwoo cried hard and fell on her knees. "please don't leave me! I beg you really!" she begged Jimin who didn't seem convinced. "no Jiwoo, Go away. It's all useless" Jimin shook his head. 

"Jiwoo?! what the hell are you doing?!" Mr. Moon yelled. But Jiwoo didn't buy it and kept begging Jimin who seemed unbothered. "Moon Jiwoo! stop this sh*T!!!" Mr. Moon raged and ran to get his daughter up, once she was in his hand he dragged her with him. Just then police sirens filled the air. 

"f*ck!" Xiumin cursed and turned around to look at the Moon family. "we have to get away!" He said to them. "let's go" Mr. Moon said dragging the crying Jiwoo in his arms. 

"not so fast" A smirking Ho-seok stood in front of the Moon's and Xiumin blocking their way. When the bad guys turned around to go the other way they were blocked by a raging Yoongi. "you f*cked up" He hissed before gripping the collar of Sun-hoo in his hand and dragging him with him somewhere. "where the hell are you taking my son?!" Mr. Moon demanded. "chill old man" Ho-seok said earning a glare from Mr. Moon which he ignored. "so let's have a little talk" Namjoon said appearing with a little speaker n his hand which had the sound of police siren playing. 

"we'll go simple and easy" Ho-seok said pushing Jiwoo along with Mr. Moon to the ground and Namjoon did the same with Xiumin. Xiumin knew that now they are unarmed and 3 against 7 boys. "why the hell was this supposed to happen?" Started Namjoon. "I never f*cking likes you guys! after we fought and your that member got shot I knew you were coming for me! the boy who shot Junhyeon was None other than Sun-hoo and you guys seemed to find out so you guys attacked him another day where he lost and got sick-" Xiumin was interrupted.  "isn't he already sick, in his head?" Ho-seok said earning a sharp look from Xiumin. 

" shut up" Xiumin hissed then continued. "Sun-hoo was Hye-in's senior and the first day she caught his eyes after he got to know that Taehyung is her brother she became his target. You would have never known  this but we used to feed her with drugs through normal meal causing her to feel dizzy when exhausted for which the poor girl used to take sugar and water" Xiumin revealed. 

"what's the f*cking aid?!" Namjoon demanded angrily and stood up. "we'll give it to you!" Xiumin said trying to convince the mad boy. "I always wanted my revenge so I joined up with the Moon's to beat you up" Xiumin completed. 

"you guys are the cause of everything! f*ck you!" Ho-seok kicked Xiumin madly causing the boy to bleed with his mouth. 

Then they turned around to face Jiwoo. "now you" Namjoon pointed at Jiwoo. "I didn't loved Jimin in the beginning as much and liked Xiumin but this boy was just using me to beat you guys! it was revealed later on breaking my heart after that I started loving and trusting Jimin but today h-he also.." her voice trailed off as she cried. 

"fine but it was your fault first" Hoseok said. "I-I know but please give me another chance" She begged. "he gave you but you again messed up" Namjoon said getting up with a deep sigh. 


"you f*cking as*hole!" Jungkook raged and kicked Sun-hoo who groaned in pain. "open up your mouth before I lose my cool" Yoongi said with a deep sigh while stopping Jungkook from kicking that boy. "w-what if I don't?" Sun-hoo smiled only to receive another hard kick but this time it was from Taehyung. "then I'll sue you" Taehyung gripped onto his collar. "spit it" again Taehyung said. 

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