My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: Breaking down

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Jungkook stared at his phone when he felt it vibrate wondering who it could be he pulled his phone out from his pocket as he looked at the screen and he froze.

He couldn't believe his own eyes wondering if he was only seeing things that maybe his brain was playing tricks on him.

This couldn't be real right? Why would you ever want to talk to him after everything that he did?
How could you talk to a person like him?

"Jungkook? What happened? Why are you staring at your phone like that?"

Hoseok spoke in confusion looking at Jungkook who frozen in his place stared at his phone with wide eyes.

With hoseok's words out in air all his hyungs were looking at him in confusion their confused gazes soon replaced with worried ones as jungkook wasn't saying anything.


Jimin who was sitting the closest to Jungkook shook his arm a little as jungkook flinched.

He looked at the screen before looking back at his hyungs with wide eyes.

"Why aren't you lifting the call?"

Taehyung questioned frowning at Jungkook as he still held the ringing phone in his hand as if he was seeing it for the first time.

"T-that. . . I. ."

Jungkook was at loss of words he just couldn't say anything he himself didn't knew what he was feeling at the moment.

Surprise, shock, happiness, sadness, fear, everything at this moment he was feeling all the humanely emotions he could count on.

"Is it. . . Is it yn?"

Jin spoke looking at Jungkook and the way jungkook's lips quivered and his eyes glazed at the mention of your name jin realised he was right.

All of his hyungs could feel the pain jungkook was feeling right now sure they didn't knew what happened between you two that left you both apart, seperated from each other.

But they also knew from the day you had left to your parents they could see jungkook being all sad.

Jungkook wasn't the one who showed his emotions out properly since he had learnt to push them down since he was young he found it difficult to open up even when he wanted to.

How does it feel when you have so much to talk about and cry your heart out but you just can't?

It's like you want to cry but no amount of tears come out.

Being devoid of the emotional nurturing he required since he was a kid he couldn't let his emotions out in clear.

But still the man who would never let the pain flash over his face seemed so in pain his brown eyes always holding an enormous amount of pain.

Only they know how much worried they were when they found jungkook in such a state.

They had been trying to reach him since you both returned from Jeju and hence they decided to pay you both a visit.

It was that day after you left when they reached your apartment they found the door open which scared them.

But that wasn't the only thing that left them scared it was the way they found jungkook curled up into a ball in the corner as his sobs filled the silent room.

They were worried so concerned to find jungkook crying they have never seen him cry like that.

When they asked him what had happened all he could muster to say was,
"I---I hurt her hyung and she. . . She left hyung. . . She l-left. I am s-so bad hyung I hurt h-her. . I--I broke her trust, I d-did'nt mean to"

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