My Mr.Wrong's Mrs.Right✔️: way back home

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A week had passed as you and jungkook started to live together again.

In this week if something good happened then it was the way jungkook's wound was healing.

His wound was healing quickly and you couldn't be much relieved although other things stayed. . . the same way.

Things were just the same with you both avoiding the inevitable topic, trying to act as if everything between you two was alright, as if the divorce was never mentioned.

As if your hearts never broke apart shedding tears of blood to unite with it's lost other half.

As if you both did not crush the blooming flowers of love in each other's hearts, convincing yourself that this was for the good.

Divorce wasn't mentioned again in this span of a week yet it had affected both of yours relationship in the way it had to.

You never asked him too scared of what you would hear if you ever asked about it.

You were trying to live no matter how many days you were fortunate enough for, with him before jungkook would bring those papers and put a full stop to both of yours relationship.

With as little as possible conversations, scared to talk for a bit more with the fear that the topic of divorce would be dragged in, you both were dying a bit more internally everyday.

You were in the kitchen washing dishes as jungkook was sitting on the couch the television running although he was lost in his own thoughts.

The shrill ring of the telephone brought you both out of your thoughts as you immediately washed your hands walking out of the kitchen.

Jungkook got up to pick the phone knowing you were busy as he walked over to the ringing telephone picking it up and placing it against his ear.


He spoke when he heard a familiar voice in response.

"Yn!- oh-hello jungkook-ssi!"

It was jihyo.

"Jihyo? Is everything ok?"

Jungkook spoke sensing the excitement in her voice as your friend squealed before speaking out.

"Uh yes! Everything is ok but where is yn? Did she check her results?"

And then it all clicked.

Your results.

You were supposed to receive your results somewhere in this month of the holidays you recieved.

His heart began to race in anticipation as he turned around when he heard your approaching footsteps.

You wiped your hands over the apron you were wearing as you looked at him to found him already on the phone.

"Who is it?"

You asked looking at him and glancing at the telephone in his hand as he looked nervous.

"Jungkook. . .? Is everything-"

"It's jihyo"

Jungkook spoke as you looked at him he breathed out before continuing.

"She's talking about the results. . ."

Your heart stopped as you looked at him remembering about your exams that you wrote a few days back before your life went downhill.

You almost forgot about it.

Jungkook pulled the phone away before placing it on speaker as he spoke,
"Jihyo. . Yn is here"

You didn't knew you weren't breathing until the burning in your lungs was being too difficult to bear.

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