The Gotham City Christmas parade

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The Wayne House..

Troy and Adrian ran down the stairs at breakneck speed. "Woah young people. Where are you off to in such a hurry?" Thomas asked, stopping them on the stairs. He of course knew what the excitement was all about. He himself had organised it for them. "Daddy it is today!" Troy said looking up at him with his eyes shining. "What is today?" He asked him with a smile. "You know Daddy, the ride in Santa's Sleigh." Adrian said to him. "I am just so excited about it Daddy. Do you think he will take me to the North Pole?" Troy asked. "Well I don't know about that, it seems that is a long way from Gotham." Thomas said smiling at the boys. "I guess, and I want to be here for my Santa presents. Oh and the Charity ball." Troy said. "Well I for one don't want to ride in Santa's Sleigh." Bruce grumbled as he passed them. "What? Why Bruce?" Troy asked, following him down the stairs. "Because I think it is childish." Bruce replied.. "But you are only five.." Tony said with a confused look on his face..... "But Bruce, Ashlyn and Tony will be there in the Sleigh with us." Adrian said smiling. "I know. That is why I am so excited." Bruce said ticking the younger boys.. "You were joking! Ha ha ha." Troy said with a laugh.. "Shocker." Tony said with a grin.. "What is a shocker?" Bruce asked.. "You having a sense of humour." Tony said with a grin.. "Alright boys that is enough now." Thomas said smiling at Bruce... "You know boys that you are doing a very important job tonight. Riding in the Sleigh with Santa." Thomas said.. "Why is that Daddy?" Troy asked in between mouthfuls of cereal.. "You give these people a reason to live. You, Bruce, Tony, Ashlyn, Ashley, Troy, and Adrian, will give them work. You will be expected to do these things for the rest of your life. You will do it for your children too." Thomas said smiling at the boys. "I don't want to get Married." Tony said walking away. "Why?" Bruce asked looking at the back of Tony's head.. "I do." Troy said.. "You're going to marry Rachel Kean!" Adrian said giggling.. "Why do you want to marry her, Troy? Do you like Rachel?" Bruce asked, smiling.. "Na, but she is pretty. Jackson told me when you get married you get to kiss the girl all the time." Troy said.. "So you want to kiss Rachel?" Thomas asked.. "Yeah I think I'd like that." Troy said laughing.. "I think you should watch out for him Sir." Alfred said laughing.. "Yes indeed Alfred, yes Indeed." Thomas said smiling..

The Kean House..

"Mummy can we take us to the Parade today?" Samantha asked with a smile.. "Ah, yes." Barbara replied as she looked into her diary.. "Rachel, Rachel, Mummy said we could go." Samantha said as she ran into the bedrooms. "Oh my gosh, help me get dressed Sammy." Rachel said giggling.. "I am going to wear my Santa dress." Samantha said digging into the closet for Rachel's.. "I only have my candy cane dress left.. Nanny took my Santa dress away to wash." Rachel said giggling.. "Candy canes will look good too." Samantha said with a smile.. "I love being your sister Sammy." Rachel said, hugging her.. That is how Barbara found the girls.. She smiled, and decided to take them to the parade a little early, so they could jump on some rides..

The Pike House..

"Come on Harry, you will turn into a candy cane if you eat any more." Selina said giggling.. "Do you think?" Harry asked with a smile.. "Yep." Selina said giggling.. "Hunter!" Harry yelled.. "What?" Hunter asked, running into the room.. "Selina said I would turn into a candy cane if I didn't stop eating them." Harry said with a pout.. "Ya probably will mate." Hunter said laughing.. "I don't want to be a candy cane!" Harry yelled, throwing the last candy cane at Selina.. "Harry!" Carol yelled at him.. "I sorry, I not a candy cane." Harry said with a sob.. "I eat it." Harleen said, taking it from Selina's face and sucking on it.. "Grose." Jade said giggling.. "Well if you lot are not going to behave, you are not going to the parade." Carol said in a stern voice. "NO, Please, I told Ivy she can sit with us." Harleen said, running to Carol to hug her.. Alright then, get the little ones into their coats." Carol said with a smile.. "Yeah..." Harleen and Harry yelled as they ran to get their coats..

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