Author's Note

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Okay, so, a few things to know before you read this story.

1. This story follows the events of the first How to Train Your Dragon movie. Some changes will be made and some 'scenes' added, but this is basically the first movie with the addition of my character Ragnar.

2. I'm planning to eventually do the TV shows and (probably) the other two movies. This will take a while, so, be patient with me. This is a long-term project.

3. As of right now, Ragnar and Hiccup are best friends and that's it. I don't really have any plans for them to be anything more. If my readers decide they really like the idea of them getting together or something, however, then we'll see if that changes .

4. Regardless of any decisions made on the above point, the first movie doesn't really have much romance anyway. Anything more serious happens when they're all older (during, like, RTTE) so we'll worry more about that later.

5. I'm taking some inspiration from the series Vikings and from general Norse mythology/legends/history. This is still the HTTYD version, but I will probably pull from other sources for ideas and such. (It probably won't happen that much until I get to the shows though.)

6. I've got multiple WIPs right now. I can't guarantee how often I'll update, but I promise I won't ever leave this story/series abandoned.

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