Chapter 3

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It's early morning when Ragnar makes his way to the Kill Ring. He's the last one there even though he's almost positive he was the first one up.

He'd gotten up at dawn to travel with Gothi to one of the houses in the village. As her apprentice, she likes to take him along sometimes on her house visits because she knows it will one day be his job.

Ragnar doesn't mind. Early mornings have never really bothered him. Plus, they weren't even dealing with a sickness or injury.

Brunhild (the best seamstress in Berk) had a baby girl just over six months ago. Little Alda is a perfectly healthy baby by all accounts, but Gothi likes to give regular check-ups when they're still so young.

The last half-a-year has given Ragnar a lot of practice in the fine art of distracting a baby and keeping them entertained while still conducting the needed healer's exam.

"Nice of you to finally join us, Ragnar," Gobber says with a pointed look.

Ragnar gives him a look right back as he comes to a stop beside Hiccup. "I do have a job to do, Gobber."

He nods in understanding. "Aye. I suppose you do, lad."

Hiccup smiles nervously when Ragnar nudges him in the arm. "Hey, Rags."

With all of his students present, Gobber wastes no time in throwing open the gate to the Kill Ring. "Welcome to Dragon Training," he says grandly, gesturing with the hook prosthetic in place of his left hand.

"No turning back," Astrid says quietly.

She leads the Snotlout, the twins, and Fishlegs into the ring while Ragnar and Hiccup stay at the back. The two of them share a look- Hiccup clearly nervous while Ragnar can't be described as anything other than bored.

Ragnar casually rests his axe on his shoulder like the weapon weighs nothing and leans toward Hiccup. "So, who do you think says something stupid first? Snotlout or the twins?"

"Ah, no," Hiccup says with a smile. "I know better than to bet with you."

"I hope I get some serious burns," Tuffnut declares.

Ruffnut nods in agreement. "I'm hoping for some mauling, like, on my shoulder or my lower back."

"Looks like it's the twins," Hiccup comments, biting back a laugh at the incredulous look Ragnar sends them.

"Yeah," Astrid chimes in. "It's only fun if you get a scar out of it."

Ragnar rolls his eyes. "How stupid are you people?" he demands.

Hiccup snorts. "Come on, Ragnar. They're not kidding. Pain. Love it," he says sarcastically.

The other teenagers turn like they've only just realized the two of them are there.

"Oh, great," Tuffnut groans. He gestures at Hiccup. "Who let him in?"

Snotlout snickers. "Yeah, and, uh, what's Ragnar doing here? We're supposed to be fighting dragons, not playing with plants."

Ragnar gives him a sharp smile and swings his axe off his shoulder, twisting his wrist to spin it in a neat circle. Snotlout jerks back slightly despite the weapon being nowhere near him.

"Eh, now. You best watch it, boyo," Gobber warns. He points his hook at Snotlout. "It's never a good idea to get on a healer's bad side."

"No," Ragnar agrees. "It's not."

Snotlout scowls when he hears Hiccup chuckle, and it only gets worse when he sees the way Astrid tips her head in silent agreement.

"Let's get started!" Gobber announces. "The recruit who does best will win the honor of killing his first-"

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