Chapter 14

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Ragnar and Hiccup both stand in front of the Monstrous Nightmare's cage. Before they can open it, however, a familiar voice makes them turn around.

"If you're planning on getting eaten," Fishlegs advises, "I'd definitely go with the Gronkle."

Astrid appears to have taken a slight detour to gather the other teens. The five of them stand in the arena and all look ready for a fight (even a slightly nervous Fishlegs).

Hiccup is already starting to look overwhelmed by the apparent support when Tuffnut pushes roughly past his sister and stops right in front of him.

"You were wise to seek help from the world's most deadly weapon," he claims, dramatically waving one hand in front of his own face. "It's me," he adds when Hiccup looks confused.

Snotlout shoves Tuffnut aside and takes his place. "I love this plan," he tells him.

Hiccup glances at Ragnar for help and only gets an amused look in return. "I didn't-"

It's Ruffnut's turn to shove Snotlout out of the way. "You're crazy," she says firmly before she leans closer with a playful smirk. "I like that."

Hiccup promptly stumbles back and ducks behind Ragnar, peeking around the blond's arm like he's afraid Ruffnut will try to come after him.

Ragnar just laughs. He knows Ruffnut is only doing it because she knows it will make Hiccup uncomfortable and the triumphant smile on her face proves it.

Astrid rolls her eyes and grabs one of the horns on Ruffnut's helmet, using it to push her aside. "So, what is the plan?" she asks.

Hiccup smiles as Ragnar steps to the side so he's back in full view. He jerks one thumb over his shoulder at the locked cage. "Dragon Training," he tells them. "My way."

For having such a heavy lock and door, it doesn't take long to open the Monstrous Nightmare's cage. They chose the Nightmare because it seemed to respond well to Hiccup's attempts during his final test and, as they watch Hiccup slowly lead it out into the arena, Ragnar knows they chose right.

The large dragon seems nearly docile as he follows Hiccup who has one hand held out to hover just in front of his snout.

Hiccup walks backward to keep his eyes on the dragon. This means he doesn't see the amazement and awe on the other's faces as they watch him.

Snotlout fidgets nervously as years of ingrained instincts tell him it's a dangerous and deadly animal walking toward them. He sees a broken spearhead on the ground and reaches down to grab it.

Astrid smacks him on the arm when she notices. "Uh-uh."

He reluctantly drops the makeshift weapon and makes a nervous sound when he notices Hiccup leading the dragon to him.

"You're fine, Snotlout," Ragnar tells him.

Hiccup takes one final step back to stand beside his cousin then grabs his arm, leading his hand out toward the Nightmare.

"Wait!" Snotlout exclaims. "What are you-"

Hiccup shushes him and continues to move his hand. "Relax," he says calmly. "It's okay. It's okay."

Ragnar, already opening the other cage doors, nods in approval as Hiccup presses Snotlout's hand to the Nightmare's snout. It's a good match. Both of them are temperamental and proud to the point of cocky.

Snotlout laughs in disbelief when the large dragon stays calm and seems to nearly purr under his touch. His smile falls when Hiccup walks away. "Where are you going?" he demands.

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