Chapter 8

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It's a good thing he knows his patients as Hiccup becomes an even more frequent one over the next few days. Ragnar knows he's trying to fly (as odd as it seems to even think such a thing) and makes sure to keep plenty of bruise balms ready.

He doesn't have the details for how Hiccup keeps getting so banged up, but he saw the saddle and harness-vest-thing he made. It's not hard to put the pieces together.

Dragon Training also gets pretty interesting as Hiccup learns all kinds of new tricks from the Night Fury.

When they face the Gronkle again, a handful of sweet-smelling grass is all it takes for the dragon to fall before Hiccup's feet.

The discovery of a pressure point brings down the purple Nadder with only a scratch of his hand.

Reflected sunlight off his shield leads a Terrible Terror right back to the cages.

Hiccup's sudden success in Dragon Training causes different reactions throughout the village. Most of them (including most of their class) are impressed by his apparent way with the creatures.

Astrid, ousted from her expected place as number one trainee, only grows more frustrated and, eventually, suspicious.

Ragnar spends his time healing Hiccups' scrapes and bruises and enjoying the chaos his friend unwittingly causes. There's also more than a bit of vindication as everyone suddenly wants to be Hiccup's friend.

He doesn't appreciate the way the rest of Berk only seems interested in Hiccup now he's seemingly showing skill in a 'Viking approved' activity, but it is nice to see him finally getting the recognition Ragnar has always known he deserves.

Besides, it's kind of fun to watch Hiccup try to avoid his newfound popularity.

The main problem Ragnar has faced with everything going on is Gothi's growing suspicions.

"No, Gothi," he says as he grinds an herb in the mortar. "I don't know how exactly Hiccup is doing all this."

It's not technically a lie.

Ragnar hasn't gone back to the cove since they first followed the Night Fury. He really doesn't know exactly how Hiccup has been getting all his new tricks. Even with Hiccup telling him about it every time he comes in, Ragnar makes sure to avoid specifics.

Gothi narrows her eyes at her apprentice. She's well aware of the boy's way with words. He has a way of saying everything and nothing all at the same time- a necessary skill due to his Sight.

She walks over and puts a wrinkled hand on his arm, stopping the movement of the pestle. At her silent gesture, Ragnar leans down to match her height.

A long, silent moment passes as the two of them simply look at each other. Finally, Gothi huffs and reaches up to pat his cheek.

Ragnar sighs and offers the old woman a small smile as he straightens up. "I promise, Gothi. It's nothing to be worried about," he tells her. "Thing's are changing but it- it's-"

Gothi holds up one hand to stop him. She taps the floor with her staff then moves it in a vaguely circular motion.

He smiles wider. "Yeah. I know." He watches as she gestures at the door and gives him a pointed look. "Sure," he says with a nod. "I'll finish mixing up the burn salves. Send someone if you need me."

Gothi nods in approval before she's gone out the door to run her errands.

A little while later, Ragnar has finished mixing the salves and is busy filling the jars they keep them in. He's entirely focused on his work and barely even notices when the door opens as a familiar person comes in.

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