Chapter 12

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Every Viking in Berk seems to be gathered around the Kill Ring for Hiccup's final test. A small stage has been set up for Stoick to use- most everyone more than happy to give their chief the best view of his son finally becoming one of them.

The raucous cheering of the crowd quiets only slightly as the man steps forward with both hands raised.

"Well, I can show my face in public again!" he jokes.

Ragnar scowls at the laughs it earns as he makes his way down to the entrance tunnel where Hiccup waits.

"If someone had told me that in a few short weeks Hiccup would go from being, ah, well... Hiccup," Stoick goes on, "to placing first in Dragon Training, well, I would have tied him to a mast and shipped him off for fear he'd gone mad!"

Ragnar clenches his fists with a sharp glare when the crowd laughs again and cheers louder in agreement. Hiccup is still Hiccup which is, as far as he's concerned, the best possible thing he can be.

"And you know it!" Stoick adds with a laugh. He holds up one hand to quiet everyone again. "But here we are and no one's more surprised or more proud than I am."

Hiccup stands nervously in front of the arena's entrance with his horned helmet in hand. He's still out of view but can clearly see his father and the pride on his face.

It's not a look he's used to seeing.

"Today, my boy becomes a Viking," Stoick announces. "Today, he becomes one of us!"

Hiccup sighs when he hears footsteps behind him, already completely sure of who it is. "He's so proud of me," he says without bothering to turn around.

Ragnar nudges him gently in the side. "He should be," he tells him, "and not just because you're first in Dragon Training."

"It's just too bad I'm not interested in their type of training, huh?" he asks with a wry smile.

Ragnar shakes his head. "It's not bad at all," he says quietly. He shrugs. "Different's a good thing, Hiccup. It's what this island needs."

Hiccup gives him a nervous smile and draws in a shaky breath. "Let's hope so," he mutters.

"Hey." Ragnar leans a little closer, so he has no choice but to meet his eyes. "I know so."

This time Hiccup's smile seems more genuine. It's something close to confident. He trusts Ragnar more than anybody and not just because of his seidr.

Ragnar is the one person in Berk who has always been by his side. He's the one person who always tells him the truth. It may not be the whole truth- not until the time is right- but he never lies, especially not to him.

They both turn at the sound of quiet footsteps to see Astrid with a concerned frown.

"Hey," she says softly. "Be careful with that dragon."

Hiccup shrugs slightly as he watches his father make his way to the throne settled above the center of the arena. "It's not the dragon I'm worried about."

Astrid glances at Ragnar then looks back at Hiccup. "What are you gonna do?"

He takes a deep breath. "Put an end to this. I have to try."

"Sometimes that's all you can do," Ragnar reminds him.

A beat of silence passes before Hiccup turns to look at him.

"Ragnar, if something goes wrong... just make sure they don't find Toothless."

He shakes his head. "You don't even have to ask. Just promise me you'll be careful out there."

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