Chapter 10

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Ragnar stands on the dock with Gobber when the ships return from their latest search for the dragons' nest. Truthfully, it's only one ship filled to the brim with downcast Vikings. It lists to the side with tattered sails and a hole burned into the deck.

Gobber hisses through his teeth as it slowly makes its way to the dock. "You sure you should've told him to go for it?" he asks.

Ragnar sighs. "I told him they'd make it back," he says. "That's what he asked."

Any further conversation is stopped as Stoick walks off the ship with a barrel under one arm and immediately heads in their direction. He looks more angry than anything which isn't exactly unusual.

"I trust you found the nest, at least?" Gobber asks hopefully.

"Not even close."

Ragnar shrugs when he notices the way the chief looks over at him. "I told you you wouldn't find it," he reminds him. "You chose to sail anyway."

"Yes. I did," Stoick agrees. "Mainly because you also said it would get us closer to ending this war."

"It has," Ragnar says calmly. He offers no further explanation because he can't.

After all, if Stoick hadn't gone off on the search, then there's no way Hiccup would have had the time to save Toothless and bond with him.

Ragnar is still a little fuzzy on the details, but he knows Hiccup and Toothless are the key to ending things. He's Seen a certain touch of destiny around Hiccup for years and it's only gotten stronger since that fateful dragon raid.

Stoick grumbles slightly as the three of them continue up the dock. "I trust you had a little more success than me," he prompts.

Gobber takes the barrel from Stoick. "Well, if by success you mean your parenting troubles are over with then... yes."

Stoick pauses in surprise but, before he can ask any questions, multiple Vikings stop to talk with him on their way to help unload the ship.

"Congratulations, Stoick! Everyone is so relieved."

"Out with the old and in with the new, right?"

"No one'll miss that old nuisance!"

"The village is throwing a party to celebrate!"

Stoick looks more and more shocked with every comment.

Ragnar, however, clenches his fists hard enough his knuckles whiten, and his nails cut crescents into his palms. Every Viking who walks by them is lucky Stoick speaks before he gets the chance to say some very choice words himself.

"He's... gone?" Stoick asks quietly, a thousand horrible thoughts and scenarios rushing through his mind at the implications.

"Uh, yeah," Gobber says casually. "Most afternoons, but who can blame him? I mean, the life of a celebrity's very rough. He can barely walk through the village without being swarmed by his new fans."

Stoick blinks uncomprehendingly as the other two start walking again.

"Well, he's gone when he's not with Ragnar here," Gobber adds, gesturing at the healer with his free hand. He narrows his eyes at the blond. "I know I've seen him coming and going from Gothi's hut but he don't seem hurt..."

Ragnar smiles but doesn't answer the silent question. He won't say Hiccup doesn't come to him with injuries (even if it's mostly just bruises and minor scrapes) because he doesn't want to lie. Half the time, however, he's just excited to tell him what he's been doing with Toothless.

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