Chapter 11

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A much larger crowd then they've become used to gathers for Dragon Training the next day. Not only is it because everyone is back from the nest search, but because the day's lesson will determine which young Viking gets the so-called honor of killing the Monstrous Nightmare.

Hiccup draws in a shaky, nervous breath as he puts his new helmet on. "Astrid can win this, right?" he asks in an undertone. "I shouldn't have anything to worry about. She's a great warrior- the perfect Viking."

Ragnar bites at his bottom lip as he decides how to answer him. "Astrid is certainly capable of winning this," he says slowly, grimacing at the frustrated groan it earns from Hiccup.

"Why did you just say that like it's not what's gonna happen?" he asks flatly.

Ragnar sighs. "Look, just... go out there and do what you do best, Hic." He claps him on the shoulder. "That's all you can do."

Any further conversation is interrupted by the start of the fight. Hiccup, Ragnar, and Astrid are the only three in the Kill Ring. A Gronkle- the same one as their previous lesson- is released and immediately starts to buzz around the arena.

In a bid to avoid the dragon's notice, all three of them find themselves crouched down behind a slab of wood.

Astrid glares at Hiccup as she tightens her grip on her axe. "Stay out of my way," she tells him, pushing down on his shield. "I'm winning this thing."

"Please. By all means," Hiccup offers as she moves away from them.

Ragnar gives him an amused look. "Should I be offended she doesn't seem to think I'm a threat to her winning?"

Hiccup snorts. "Rags, from day one you've been the one person in this competition who honestly couldn't care less," he points out.

He shrugs. "Eh. When you See what I have, you start to realize what does and does not matter."

"So, you're saying this whole thing doesn't matter?" Hiccup asks hopefully.

Ragnar gives him one of those knowing smiles he's become so familiar with over the years. "It matters more than you can possibly know."

Hiccup sighs as he looks up at the crowd of spectators and sees his dad. "Once again, all your wisdom? Not very helpful."

"So, you've said," Ragnar says agreeably. "Multiple times."

Meanwhile, Astrid moves between different pieces of wood as she steadily makes her way closer to the Gronkle. She doesn't know what those two are standing around talking for and she doesn't particularly care.

All she cares about right now is winning this competition. She's spent her entire life preparing to become one of the best shieldmaidens Berk has ever seen. Now is her chance to prove it's all been worth it.

"This time," she says to herself. "This time for sure."

She takes a deep breath and leaps from her cover with her axe raised and a battle cry ready only to freeze at the sight in front of her.

Hiccup is standing there- weapon and shield both on the ground- with the Gronkle lying in front of him, uninjured but clearly incapacitated. Ragnar is standing beside him with his own axe on his shoulder and a look somewhere between pride and on the verge of laughter.

Hiccup shrugs, gesturing helplessly at the dazed dragon as the crowd cheers.

"No!" she screams, furiously swinging her axe at nothing. "No! Son of a half-troll, rat-eating, munge bucket!"

A dull thud rings out as Gothi steps to the front of the crowd, her eyes locked on the young trainees.

"Wait. Wait," Stoick calls, standing behind her and quieting the celebrating Vikings.

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