Chapter 9

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Around an hour into getting acquainted with Toothless, Ragnar has come to his own conclusions about the dragon.

"Are we sure he's not just a big cat?" he asks as he watches Toothless bat at the fish in the small lake. "I've seen the one Trader Johann keeps on his ship for rats and it looks pretty similar to this."

"For the last time, he's not a cat," Hiccup tells him yet again.

Ragnar gives a noncommittal hum. "If you say so," he mutters.

"I do say so," Hiccup says as he stands up and walks over to a mess of leather and metal lying on the ground. "After all, cats can't fly."

Ragnar raises his eyebrows. "Neither can Hiccups, especially not if we're judging by all the bruises you've been coming to me with lately."

Rolling his eyes, Hiccup turns around with what is clearly a saddle of some kind in his arms. "Okay. Yes. I admit that there have been some accidents but I'm so close, Ragnar. I can practically feel it!"

"What you're feeling is what Gothi and I usually call blunt force trauma."

Before Hiccup can make the no doubt snarky reply he has ready, he's nearly toppled over by an excited dragon. Toothless, having noticed the saddle, bounces around the two of them like a playful kitten.

Ragnar laughs a little as he watches Hiccup calm him down and attach the saddle to his back. When Hiccup moves down to connect the necessary pieces to the artificial tailfin, he steps up to study his work.

"Hiccup..." he says quietly. "You made this?"

Hiccup, focused on Toothless' tail, nods absently. "Yeah. I mean, this isn't the first version. I've had to fix things and change things but-"

He cuts himself off when he stands back up and turns only to see Ragnar running a careful hand over the stitching on the saddle. Toothless allows it with no issue and actually seems to preen slightly as he does.

"It- it's nothing special or- or anything," Hiccup says nervously. "I mean, you know, it's just some extra leather and- and metal from the forge. I'm sure Gobber could have done a better job and-"

"No," Ragnar interrupts. "He couldn't." He steps back to take in the full picture- every mechanism and intricate piece meant to give an injured dragon flight. "Hiccup, this is incredible."

Hiccup rubs at the back of his neck. "I don't know about that."

"I do," Ragnar tells him seriously. "Hic, you realize that this has never been done before, right? And if I know you- which I do- you're only going to make an even better version of it."

"I..." Hiccup trails off, unable to even find his voice at the sheer admiration in Ragnar's voice.

"You're incredible," he tells him.

Hiccup awkwardly clears his throat as his cheeks flush. Ragnar sounds so sure he finds himself tempted to ask if he Saw something about the tailfin. Really, the only thing stopping him is the fact he knows he won't get an actual answer.

Toothless makes a low sound in his throat and nods in what seems to be agreement.

Ragnar claps his hands together. "Alright. You seem really uncomfortable right now so let's just get to whatever it is you're planning."

With a sigh of relief, Hiccup nods and walks over to Toothless' side. "Thank gods," he mutters.

Ragnar gives him an amused look. He will get Hiccup to feel more confident in himself and his abilities. He's been working at it for years and it's a slow process, but they'll get there eventually.

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