Chapter 17

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The next few weeks see numerous changes to life in Berk.

Hiccup's leg heals well. Gothi herself examined the amputation and the smile she gave her apprentice was probably the proudest he'd ever seen.

Ragnar doesn't leave Hiccup's bedside for the first week and manages to stave off any chances of infection or other complications. It takes the combined efforts of Stoick and Nightshade (the newly named purple Nadder) to pull him away.

It only works because he knows they've passed the most vital point of the healing process. It's also the only reason he allows Gobber to fit and forge a prosthetic.

After all, he knows Hiccup will want to be up as soon as he wakes up.

Berk is not idle while waiting for their hero to wake up. More and more dragons seem to show up every day, many of them quickly finding riders of their own.

Ragnar mainly lets the other teens handle teaching the basics of dragon riding. Whenever he's not checking on Hiccup, he spends his time bonding with Nightshade and looking after Toothless.

Nightshade, he finds, truly does have a personality all her own.

She's a very neat and proper dragon, for one. She hates to get dirty and absolutely preens at every compliment he gives her. Flattery will not, however, work for just anyone.

Snotlout learns that lesson for himself when he gets pinned to the wall by a couple of tail spines. They only pierce his shirt though and Ragnar is sure to praise Nightshade for her perfect aim.

All in all, life in Berk has changed for the better and now they're all just waiting for Hiccup to wake up and see it for himself.

Ragnar sighs to himself as he brings a basket of fish over to his favorite Nadder. (He can't say favorite dragon because it makes Toothless sulk. This is his compromise.)

"Afternoon, beautiful," he greets. "Hungry?"

Nightshade chirps, nimbly leaping side to side as she waits for her meal. When he tips the basket over, she leans down and delicately grabs a couple of cod.

Ragnar smiles as he watches the way she eats her fish- carefully and neatly, sure not to make a mess. Still, it doesn't take her long to finish and he soon finds himself with an excited dragon nuzzling his chest.

He laughs, completely aware of what she wants.

"Okay. Okay," he tells her. "Let's go, girl."

As has become their routine for this time of day, Ragnar climbs easily on her back so they can fly a lap around the village before they go to see Toothless and Hiccup. Usually, this little visit means Nightshade occupies Toothless while Ragnar checks on his patient.

Ragnar has a feeling today is going to be different. Some innate part of him says Hiccup will be waking up very soon.

The large crowd gathering outside the Haddock house only confirms his thoughts. Nightshade lands on the edge of the crowd and squawks quietly when Ragnar slides off. The Vikings around them part easily for the blond, leaving a clear path to the person they've all been waiting on.

Ragnar catches the end of Stoick and Hiccup's conversation as he finally reaches them.

Stoick gestures vaguely with one arm. "Turns out all we needed was a little more of... this."

Hiccup looks at him in surprise. "You just gestured to all of me."

Ragnar smiles when all the chief does is nod in agreement.

"Well, most of you," Gobber says, pushing through the crowd. He points his own prosthetic hand at Hiccup's new foot. "That bit's my handiwork with a little Hiccup flair thrown in. You think it'll do?"

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