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"Music start!" They said in front of the camera before looking at the script.

They are currently emceeing in the Inkigayo's and Jisoo was excited about this.

In both of her sides stood Taehyung and Jinyoung. She heard fans screaming her name and the other emcees before she was assisted to leave for she is the next to perform.

Because she has an ankle injury she was told to sit while her other members perform.

While performing, she looked at where she stood before when she was emceeing and chuckled slightly when she saw Taehyung dancing along to Playing With Fire.

While she was on stage she saw how Taehyung was busy fangirling and ARMYs enjoying it.

"Are you alright, Eonnie?" Jennie asked her once they were backstage "I'm alright, Jennie-ah" she said and smiled

"Eonnie, were all worried about you" Rosé joined "Ani. I'm really okay." She said and shook her head and looked at the youngest

"Anything to say, Lisa-ah?" She asked when she saw the maknae's worried face "Why do we need to attend the Inkigayo if we don't usually attend. Especially if your injured, Eonnie." She said

"Its only a sprain, girls. It will heal easily, okay?" She said so that her sisters won't get worried.

She and the girls had to separate from backstage because she was going the other way.

She could feel her ankle aching from standing too long. "Are you okay?" She turned to the one who spoke and smiled at him

"I'm fine" she answered "Sit here" he said and gave her a chair so she sat on it

"Gamsamnida, Sunbaenim" she thanked him "I have to go. Its my time to emcee." He said so she nodded as she looked at him as he walked away.

She smiled at how kind Taehyung was. She hadn't really had interactions with any BTS members before but she knows they are popular.

They were not allowed to interact with other boy groups because of their dating ban.

She admits that Taehyung's pretty smile effects her making her smile too.

When the Inkigayo finished. She was at the backstage again with the other emcees when a staff gave her a paper.

She curiously opened it to see a note with a beautiful handwriting in it.

Can I get your number, Jisoo-ssi? -Taehyung

She smiled because of that and the smiling emoji he drew so he answered back without thinking about the consequences.

She wrote her number on the paper and folded it before giving it back to the staff.

She didn't turn to the boy to avoid suspicion from the other staffs.

When she entered BLACKPINK's van, her members immediately smiled at her.

"Finally, were going home!" Lisa said and stretched her arms and legs "Eonnie, what should we have for dinner?" Rosé asked

"All do you think about is food, Chae?" Jennie asked while she plays with her phone "Food is life, Eonnie. Its what makes us alive." She automatically answered

"But you don't like avocados, Eonnie" Lisa pointed out "That's because it has a strange taste that I can't explain" she said while shaking her head

"How about we eat jjajjangmyeon?" she answered to Rosé's question "Jjajjangmyeon? Ooh! I'm already excited to eat!" She said, excitedly, clapping her heads

"But aren't you on a diet, Chae?" Jisoo asked and chuckled so the vocalist's face immediately frowned

"I'll start tomorrow, Eonnie" she said not happy about her reminding her about her diet

"The manager will scold you tomorrow" Lisa teased. She was helping Lisa tease Rosé and even talked to Jennie about their shopping spree next week.

Once they got home, her back collided with the bed making her sigh. She closed her eyes when she suddenly hear her phoen ringing.

She tiredly turned to eat and looked at unknown number flashing on her screen.

With drowsy eyes she answered
the call without thinking that it might be a saesang.

"Anyeonghasaeyo. Who's this?" She asked while rubbing tiredly on her eyes "Joesunghamnida. Did I wake you up?" The tiredness she felt earlier suddenly vanished when she heard that voice

"Sunbaenim, I didn't know it was you" she said, a smile made its way to her lips "Ani. Just call me Taehyung" he said

"Oh, alright. Just call me Jisoo too" she answered "Uhm. Jisoo-ah?" She could sense the shyness in his voice making her slightly blush

"Ne?" She asked "Can we.. uhm.. maybe, go out for coffee?" He asked, sounding cute than she expected.

She blushed at her words and silently squealed in her head "Of course. I would love to, Taehyung" She said and bit her lip to stop her from stammering

"G-Good. That's great. Thanks, Jisoo-ah. Goodnight and sorry again for interrupting you." He said

"Its alright. Goodnight, Taehyung" She shyly answered before ending the call.

She hid her face on the pillow and started squealing in it. "What are you doing, Eonnie?" She froze and looked at the person who spoke

"J-Jennie, why are you not asleep yet?" She asked and looked at Jennie who was wearing her pajamas while holding her phone

"That's what I should ask you, Eonnie. Why are you not asleep yet and squealing at the pillow like that?" She asked, eyebrows furrowed

"I was watching a movie. Why are you here, Jennie?" She asked to change the subject "I was about to ask if I could sleep with you" she said

"Oh, come here, Jennie. Why the sudden decision though?" She asked as Jennie closed the door and sat beside her

"I want to sleep with you tonight, Eonnie. Chaeyoung and Lisa is also sharing a room and I feel left out" she chuckled at her words

"Lets go to sleep, Jennie-ah" she said and turned her phone off before lying in bed

"Goodnight, Eonnie" Jennie did the same and laid beside her as they slowly fell asleep.

In BTS's dorm, Jimin was about to knock on Taehyung's open door to get his attention but stopped when he noticed his smile.

"Why is he smiling like that, Hyung?" Jungkook asked that was beside him "I don't know" he shook his head without taking his eyes off Taehyung

"Why are you smiling like that, Taehyung-ah?" He asked and his eyebrows furrowed when he saw Taehyung's shocked expression

"Nothing. I was watching a comedy movie." He answered so Jimin nodded "Its time to sleep, kids" their attention went to the oldest that was two rooms before Taehyung's

"Jungkook-ah, if I see you playing when I get to your room. Your dead." Jin threatened the maknae before entering the room

"The dad has spoken. My bed is calling me." Jungkook said making both maknae line laugh. They looked at him as he walked back to his room.

"Why are you here, Jimin-ah?" Taehyung asked "Oh, I'm sleeping here tonight" he said

"But you have your own room" Taehyung whined that Jimin ignored and closed the door before jumping into Taehyung's bed.

"Jimin!" Taehyung was whining but Jimin only laughed.

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