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She was staring at her phone while sitting on the floor, facing the mirror in the dance practice room.

She was frustrated. She was still angry at the guy but another part of her wants to forgive him.

"Eonnie!" She looked at her daesang and beamed a smile "Yes, Jennie?" She asked

"What are you doing?" She asked back and took a sit in front of her "Nothing." She said and put her phone back on the gym bag

"By the way, Eonnie, I saw the staff fixing the disco ball for your performance." Chaeyoung joined in and sitted between Jennie and her

"Really? Wah. I'm excited!" She cheered and clapped her hands "I also love Jennie's solo stage! Solo-lo-lo-lo!" Jisoo started singing and dancing to Jennie's song making them laugh

"Where's Lisa?" Jennie asked when she realized the maknae is missing

"Oh, she's still practicing for her solo performance" Chaeyoung replied making Jennie nod

"She's really so passionate even though she's so lazy" she said and chuckled "I'm gonna go. Got to talk to the staff about my solo stage." She said and stood up before running towards the door.

She looked at Jennie who was smiling at her "Eonnie?" The rapper called out with a smile "Yes, Jennie?" She said

"Do you think it will go well?" She asked so Jisoo's turned to a sad one "I'm sure of it, Jennie. We've worked so hard for this." She tried cheering the younger up

"I know but we nearly went down fall because of my scandal" she said and sighed

"That was a misunderstanding. You know YG never made a single move to even protect us. They even confirmed the dating scandal without your consent." She said and squeezed her hand

"Eonnie, me and Kai oppa's relationship was full business. We didn't have any romantic feelings. I'm really upset that YG confirmed it without even asking me." She said while frowning

"Its because they found proofs that you were dating" Jisoo answered "Than believing in their own artist? Isn't that just unfair?" Jisoo went silent as she looked at Jennie stand up and leave the practice room.

She sighed and looked at her phone. When would they have the freedom to the anything? Without being hot in the eyes of people?

When will they experience something so normal? That night, Jisoo was laying on her bed while looking at the phone on her hand.

She sighed and thought about going to sleep now. And automatically, she felt the vibration of her phone and how it lit up.

She immediately stood up and hurriedly looked at her phone.

'Little Tiger..🦁'

She immediately pressed the notification and looked at the text message with a smile on her face.

'I'm sorry, Jagi..'

'I know what I said was insensitive..'

'I don't want to pass by weeks and days without calling or even touching you, Jisoo..'

'I am really really really sorrryyyy..'

'Forgive me?🥺'


She chuckled at his messages and the emoticon he used. She bit her lip before thinking about it through if she would reply to him.

On the other hand, Taehyung was biting his lip as he waits for Jisoo's reply.

He can't wait another minute without hearing her voice or else he'll go crazy.

He's been looking at their performance and even watched Blackpink House just to satisfy his lovesickness.

He looks like an idiot as he kept moving in his seat while glancing in his phone.

While the others who was looking at him was slowly got weirded out.

"Is he okay, Yoongi?" Jin asked the one beside him "He's maybe in a sugar rush. Told you we shouldn't let him eat the other chocolates in the fridge" he said while shaking his head

"What is he? A child to have a sugar rush?" Jimin said, confused "Remember what I told you?" Namjoon whispered to the youngest as Jungkook nods.

He nudged Jungkook's elbow and pouted towards Taehyung's direction. Being the innocent little bunny he is got confused at what Namjoon did.

His eyebrows furrowed, showing that he was confused on what he was trying to say.

Namjoon again moved his head and eyes towards Taehyung's direction and Jungkook copied him, not completely getting it.

"What are you doing, Hyung?" He asked when got enough of the body language

"Get near Taehyung and know who he's been getting caught up in" with Namjoon's whisper his mouth slowly formed into a whistling way while nodding

"Now I understand" he said with a smile so Namjoon smiled. Jungkook went near the older one and sat beside him "What's up, Hyung?" He asked as Taehyung looked at him

"I.." before he could even reply to the younger one's question. His attention automatically flew towards his phone when it tinged.

He slightly jumped from the sofa and hurriedly looked at his phone before a smile formed his lips.

Jungkook tried to peek to see who he was texting but only saw the letter 'C' before Taehyung unconsciously stood up.

Jungkook could only look at him as he walked towards the stairs to go upstairs. He sighed before looking at Namjoon who sighed with him.

While on Blackpink Dorm's side, the three girls were secretly gathered in Jennie's room.

"Eonnie, why are we here for?" Chaeyoung asked as Lisa nodded

"And why isn't Jisoo eonnie here?" She asked so Jennie sat properly in her bed before ticking a strand of hair behind her ear.

"Listen, do you notice something weird about Eonnie this days?" She asked the two as both girls looked at each other

"Now that you mentioned it, yes. Eonnie has been distracted lately. She also has been glancing at her phone every minute." Chaeyoung said at what she noticed this past few days

"How about you, Lisa?" Jennie asked the youngest "Jisoo eonnie, has been deep in thought lately. Like she was a bit bothered by something." She said and Jennie nodded from both youngest

"Is there something wrong, Eonnie? Does Jisoo eonnie have problem?" Chaeyoung asked

"Well, I think there is something going on with Eonnie" she said "Like what?" Lisa asked "I don't know. Like a boyfriend maybe?" Jennie said, not so sure.

But because of what Jennie said made the two squeal "You think so, Eonnie?" Lisa asked while hitting Chaeyoung by the arm

"What do you think will happen if the company knows about this?" Chaeyoung asked, worried

"I don't know, Chae, but were still not sure about this. Its only a hunch." Jennie said and sighed

"Then what are you planning, Eonnie?" Lisa asked "For now we should keep a close eye on Eonnie. Whatever is happening to her, we should know it." Jennie said and the two nodded in agreement towards the older.

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