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This is a pretty long chapter but I promise you it somehow makes sense! By the way, I dedicate this chapter to vsooheartuforever

It has been almost one week without Taehyung contacting her and it nearly made her go insane.

He doesn't even want to talk to her every time she called and always say he's busy that she knows was half true.

"Why won't you call me? Did I do something wrong?" she pouted while she stared at her phone

"Is there something wrong Eonnie?" she turned to look at Chaeyoung and nodded "I'm fine. Is it my turn?" Chaeyoung hesitantly nodded as she looked at Jisoo stand up to continue the photoshoot.

From across the studio her eyes landed on Jennie's who had the same worried expression as her.


"Its been almost half a week Hyung but Taehyung is still not leaving his room" Jimin said worriedly

"What should we do? He's like a robot made by Big Hit" Hoseok stated that Jungkook nodded to

"I think we should give Taehyung sometime alone for himself" Namjoon said but their attention turned to Jin when he suddenly stood up

"Nope. I am not taking this anymore. I am calling Jisoo about what is happening so Yoongi talk to Taehyung" he said as he shook his head and Yoongi's eyes widen

"What? Why me?" he questioned as he looked at everyone "But Hyung shouldn't we give him more time to think?" Namjoon said and tried to calm down the elder

"And what? Just let that brat ruin his relationship? Na-ah! No, I won't! So Yoongi give Taehyung that reality slap you always do" he said and fished out his phone from his pocket

"What do you mean that I always do?" Yoongi said, so confused as to why he was suddenly into this mess.

But he had no choice when Jin gave him that look so with a groan he stood up.

He was mumbling when he entered Taehyung's room who jumped in shock when his door was suddenly opened.

"Hyung? Is there something wrong? Do you need something?" he asked as Yoongi neared him and he huffed and crossed his arms

"That's what I should be asking you Tae" he said and looked at Taehyung directly at the eye "I can't understand you Hyung" he said, confused

"You had a fight with Jisoo didn't you?" Taehyung avoided eye contact when he said that

"Were okay Hyung" he said "Don't lie" Yoongi said and made Taehyung face him "Are you going to continue avoiding her?" he said and
Taehyung clenched his fists

"What am I supposed to do then? I just saw my girlfriend with the guy I don't like being with her and she didn't even tell me about it" he said with clenched teeth

"Didn't you think that maybe it was out of her control? Do you really think Jisoo would meet up with someone you don't like? You didn't even think that Jisoo was just being considerate about your feelings that's why she didn't tell you" he said and Taehyung was out of words.

When Yoongi saw the change in his expression he sighed "That is why you should stop being an asshole and stop making as all worry about your shitty love life and at least be considerate of your girlfriend's feelings" he said

"You really think so Hyung? What if she is angry at me at being weird all of a sudden?" he said "How would I know that? She's your girlfriend not mine" he said and messed his hair

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