Special Chapter

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Jisoo woke up with the sun hitting her face as she slowly woke up from dreamland. She yawned before stretching her body and went to the bathroom to wash her face.

When she entered the kitchen she smiled when he saw his troubled face.

"Having a hard time cooking again?" she said to get his attention and she automatically got a smile in response

"Good morning" he said and kissed her in the forehead "Good morning too, Tae" she said and looked at the burnt pancake in the pan

"It's really hard to cook this like they want to" he said with a pout making her chuckle.

It has been ten years already since they met in Amsterdam and went back to secretly dating again after deciding to officially publicize their relationship a year after.

It was so hard from the start because of many fans that didn't agree with their relationship but they were stronger this time because a year later they got married.

She could still the happiness she felt when Taehyung proposed to her in the middle of their concert stating that he wanted to let the fans know who the girl he will marry and they should respect that that seriously made her heart melt.

"But don't worry I'll get the hang of it" he said so she patted his shoulder "You should be you know how Soohyun is picky with the food" Taehyung only smiled in response

"Your pretty, Honey" he said and kissed her cheek "You say that almost every morning" she said with an eye roll

"But it's the truth!" he said making her laugh "You should be the one resting because you've been practicing for the concert" she said, worriedly.

They made it come true when they said that even if they weren't able to dance they would still be BTS.

Thus, the group is still active now making Jisoo happier than ever. While Blackpink disbanded on their 10th-year mark a year after Jisoo got married.

They have still crowned the Queen of Kpop up to this day because of the legacy they had left.

"I'll be okay" he said and focused on what he was cooking "Eomma" she heard a groan so she looked at the bedroom hallway

"Good morning. Did you have a nice sleep?" she said and the little boy nodded while scratching his eyes

"How about your sister? Did she wake up?" just like on cue a little girl went out of the bedroom right after holding a teddy bear.

The little girl hugged her while still half asleep "Go wash your faces because the Aunts and Uncles would be visiting today" she said and both of their faces brightened

"Really?" she gave a nod when she saw how excited the kids were as they held hands "Help Soohyun with brushing her teeth" she told the oldest

"Yes, Eomma" Tae Ho replied making her smile. She had Tae Ho 7 months after she and Taehyung got married and three years after Soohyun became their first daughter.

Taehyung wanted a big family so she was giving it to him and nothing couldn't be memorable as the day Taehyung first held Tae Ho.

Jisoo went back to the kitchen to see Taehyung still struggling with the pancakes.

"Tae, I'll do it. To help the kids brush their teeth" she said so he silently nodded.

The both of them didn't know how to cook so when they had Tae Ho it was so hard because they couldn't get take out every day so they both diligently learned how to cook that they still couldn't master until now.

When she finished cooking was the time the three went out of the bathroom.

"Hon, I think she's awake now" Taehyung said "I heard her crying" he added "You guys eat first as I take the youngest" she said and left the kitchen and entered the kid's bedroom

"Aigoo, did you miss mommy?" she said as she softly carried the youngest who is two years old.

She stopped crying when they left the bedroom and into the living room where the two oldest was playing.

"Oppa, I want candy" Soohyun said as Tae Ho looked at Jisoo for permission "Just one per person, okay? Daddy is in the kitchen" she said so they had a big smile on their faces as they ran to their father

"Jihyo, do you want to eat?" she asked the youngest who smiled at her "The Uncles and Aunts are visiting so let's make you pretty today, okay?" as if Jihyo understood the words the baby laughed.

Taehyung left the kitchen and made funny faces once he saw Jihyo. "Is my daughter awake?" he said as he played with Jihyo in her arms

"You are growing day by day" he said with a big smile on his face "My pretty little girl" he said and kissed Jihyo's cheek who was giggling in response when the doorbell rang.

The two fake gasped "They're here!" Jisoo cheered as the two came running out of the kitchen while giggling.

The first thing that could be heard was Jimin, Jin, and Hoseok laughing as if something happened.

"You have to be careful, Namjoon-ah"

"We can't have you destroy Taehyung's house too"

The kids squealed when the two finally entered "Aigoo, you two are growing so fast" Jimin said as Soohyun gave him a hug and Jungkook carried Tae Ho

"What was that noise about?" Taehyung asked "Namjoon Hyung's head hit the ceiling," Jimin said while laughing

"You really should be careful especially since the house was built because of the kids," Jisoo said "By the way, we brought pizza" Jin said and showed the pizza boxes he and Yoongi were holding making the kids squeal.

"Noona, we also brought ice cream" Jungkook said "Omo, thank you but you shouldn't have bought this" she said

"It's okay, Jisoo. Besides Jin Hyung can't rest if we didn't bring anything" Namjoon said and glanced at Jin who was taking the pizza boxes to the kitchen

"Tae, can you put this in the freezer" she said and passed the plastic full of ice cream to Taehyung

"How about we take care of Jihyo? I heard the girls will also be here so you also have to get ready" Hoseok said and carried Jihyo from her

"Are you sure, Oppa? Jihyo has a lot of energy" she said "It will be alright. She got that from Taehyung" Namjoon said while playing with Jihyo

"Thank you, Oppa" she said as Hoseok replied with a smile "Aigoo, you resemble Taehyung a lot" Jimin said while staring at Soohyun who was playing with her dolls

"Then Soohyun is pretty?" Soohyun said and batted her eyelashes "Your so pretty Soohyun-ah!" Jimin cheered with a big smile as Soohyun find that amusing and stood up to hug Jimin and kissed him on the cheek.

"Uncle, who do I look like most?" Tae Ho asked Jungkook who hummed

"You look like both of them, Tae Ho but you got your personality from Noona" Jungkook said making Tae Ho make a boxy smile that he got from Taehyung

"I love Eomma" he said making Jungkook laugh and Jisoo couldn't get happier.

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