Side Story

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Jin didn't like the awkward atmosphere as Jungkook awkwardly sipped at the milkshake as Lisa's continuous tapping of fingers on the table made the tension worse.

Both Chaeyoung and Jimin were looking around avoiding looking at either of them at the table.

How are they in this situation you may ask? Well, it happened just a few hours ago.

Rehearsals only finished as the members glanced at Taehyung who was basically in a corner by himself.

"When will he move on?" Jin elbowed Yoongi when she heard his words "Do you expect to smile, you jerk?" he said and glared at him

"No need to get violent, Hyung. One year had already passed by he's still like that" Yoongi said with a shrug

"Just be thankful that he progressed. He's not like before who even avoided eating" Hoseok said and joined the conversation

"Should we do something about this, Hyung?" Namjoon asked.

The memory of Taehyung coming home crying that day was still etched in their minds.

"We can't force him to move on," Hoseok said with a sad smile "He really loved Jisoo so much to the point he even pushed us away" Jimin said, remembering the times that Taehyung's were still fresh and hurting

"Hyung! Hyung!" all of their attention went to Jungkook who came running to the "Lower down your voice, Jungkook" Hoseok scolded that the youngest abruptly ignored

"Look at this" he said and showed them his phone.

From: Unknown Number

This is Lisa of Blackpink and I got your number from BamBam. Can we talk for a moment? Please reply to this message if you see this.

They looked back at Jungkook who had adorably widened eyes "What should we do?" he asked so they looked at each other before Jin gulped and quickly replied to the text.

To: Unknown Number

Hi. What are we going to talk about?

All of them looked at each other before nodding all together as they sent the message. They waited for a few minutes before they had a reply.

From: Unknown Number

Thanks for replying. I would want to talk about Taehyung and Jisoo. Jennie Eonnie actually told me to find your number so if ever you have time we would like to meet you in person to talk about it.

They all looked at each other again "What do you think? What should we reply?" Jin asked so all of them looked at Namjoon "Give me the phone, Hyung" Jin gave the phone to him.

To: Unknown Number

We would gladly meet with you. Today is our free time so if we're not bothering you we would like to meet today at the Cafe next to the bridge.

When Namjoon sent that message they quickly made an excuse to go out and left Taehyung. Thus, why we're in this situation right now?

"I've had enough of this anymore!" they looked at Jin widened eyes at his explosion

"Calm down, Hyung" Namjoon said "You told us to meet with you so mind telling us what happened?" Jin asked the girls when he calmed down

"Sorry for suddenly calling you out like this but I've already thought about this" Jennie answered

"Thought about what?" Namjoon asked so the girls looked at each other "As you know, it has been a year since the two broke up but many changes had happened since" Jennie said and looked down at her fingers

"Jisoo Eonnie had been down lately. She would always force a smile with us and every once in a while we would always see her glance at Taehyung sunbae's picture" Chaeyoung said as Lisa silently nodded, agreeing

"What are you suggesting?" Hoseok asked so the girls looked at each other again before Jennie nodded

"I already regret what I did back then and so I wanted to say sorry for what happened" she said

"So we want Jisoo Eonnie and Taehyung sunbaenim to get together again" Lisa said as the boys looked at each other "I don't think that's a good idea" Namjoon said hesitantly

"Why do you think this will help solve the problem?" Yoongi said and crossed his arms with a sigh

"Hyung" Jimin tried stopping Yoongi to see the change in the girl's expression

"I don't know why you thought like that. The breakup already made an impact on them. Have you thought about how hard for them to leave each other? Do you think getting them back together will be a good idea?" Yoongi said and looked Jennie straight in the eye as the others remained silent

"I know that" she said as she nibbled on her lips "They did that we the thought of us in their minds. The thought of the possibility of ruining our groups by sacrificing themselves. I do not want that" Jennie said

"We are always the one looking, comforting, and even knows everything and yet we didn't even do anything to help them so how do you possibly call it supporting them?" Chaeyoung said.

The silence embraced them before the sound of Jin's laugh was heard "Well, it's not like we have any choice now that you have your mind into it" Jin said Namjoon agreed with a smile

"So you're agreeing?" Jennie said, now with a smile on her face "If it involves Taehyung's happiness then we're going to say yes at everything" Jimin said as all seven men laughed.

After that conversation, they spent a year planning to reunite the two, and Jimin and Jennie had a good place where. Amsterdam.

Jisoo and Taehyung continuously told them that Amsterdam was a special place for them.

It's where they had their first kiss, their first date together abroad, and where they weren't afraid of fans as no one knows them there.

It was the perfect place for the 'coincidence' to happen. Jenni intentionally book the same flight to Amsterdam on their group vacation and Jisoo waited by the bridge as the other girls made up an excuse as the hyung line prepared the fireworks that will be shown that night.

They all prepared this to see the smiling faces of those two people once again.

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