Side Story

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Tae Ho was looking around the house for Soohyun when she suddenly disappeared when Jisoo and Taehyung's car left to take Jihyo to her friends.

He peaked inside the living room to see Soohyun kneeling in front of the TV "Soohyun?" he called with confusion as Soohyun turned to him

"Oppa" she said when she saw him and smiled "What are you doing here? Didn't you say you were going to facetime Jane?" he asked and was referring to their Aunt Jennie's daughter

"I was but then came across Dad's old things while looking for the broom in the storage room" she stated

"What did you find?" he asked as kneeled beside her "This" she said and showed her a USB that had the letters BTS in it

"This was at Dad's old things?" he asked and took it from her hand to look at it more closely as Soohyun nodded

"Doesn't it remind you of that old photo album Mom and Dad have?" she asked as the two photo books came into mind

"You mean the ones who had BLACKPINK and BTS on it?" he asked making her nod "I'm curious to what's inside. I also found another one on Mom's box," she said and showed the other USB that had BLACKPINK in capital letters.

"Can we look at it, Oppa?" she asked with her usual puppy dog eyes as Tae Ho hesitated "Okay" he sighed and stood up to connect the USB

"Yey! Thanks, Oppa" Soohyun cheered making him shake his head. Tae Ho sat back down and pressed the buttons on the remote as numerous videos came into view.

"I wonder what this is about," Soohyun said with her attention focused on the TV so Tae Ho clicked on the first video.

They both had their mouth open the whole performance that was being played on the TV.

"Didn't Dad mention that he was once a kpop idol?" Soohyun asked "Yes, he did" Tae Ho nodded still breathless

"But is that the same Uncles that we know? Especially Uncle Jin! It's like I saw different people just now" Soohyun exclaimed with eyes wide open

"Not to mention that I also saw Mom and the Aunts" Tae Ho so Soohyun shook his shoulders with a nod

"That too!" she said and snatched the remote from him "Hurry we need to see another one" she said and clicked another video.

They were both vibing to the music with huge smiles on their lips as they discovered their Dad's past.

After they watched the Bapsae performance Soohyun took the other USB with a BLACKPINK written on it and replaced it with the USB that had the BTS in capital letters.

Just like in the other USB they also saw numerous videos on display as they clicked the first one.

Soohyun can't help but squeal when both videos finished "Mom is so pretty, Oppa" she exclaimed making Tae Ho nod in agreement

"I knew Mom was famous but I didn't expect that she was an idol before an actress" she said

"Especially Aunt Lisa and Jennie. I didn't expect them when the video started" Tae Ho added "They are so cool! And Aunt Jennie was cool when she started rapping!" she squealed

"I didn't even know Mom can dance like that," he said "I know right" was her quick answer before an idea came to her mind.

"Quick! Search them on the internet, Oppa" she excitedly said as Tae Ho took out his phone and searched BTS first and the first thing that came out was a group photo of them with simple and basic information.

They were having fun searching both groups "Screenshot it, Oppa. I need to show this to Jane!" she said as her brother obediently followed

"What do we have here?" both siblings turned to the door and saw Jisoo and Taehyung with big smiles as Jihyo was hugging a teddy bear.

Soohyun's face lightened up as she quickly stood up and ran to hug Jisoo. "Your so cool, Mom" she commented making Jisoo chuckle

"It seems you had seen the videos" she said as Kill This Love was blasting from the speakers

"How about me? Wasn't I cool on stage too?" Taehyung pouted "Of course, Dad! Your super cool!" Soohyun complimented making Taehyung grin

"What's that, Oppa?" Jihyo asked when she run towards Tae Ho "It's Mom and Dad with the Aunts and Uncles" he answered as Jihyo was completely transfixed in the TV when Jisoo appeared.

"Since you already looked into our boxes how about looking into the photo albums with BTS and BLACKPINK in it?" Taehyung suggests that Soohyun happily nodded to.

That photo album consists of photos while being part of the idol industry with selcas from their World Tours and promotions overseas and in Korea.

When both groups disbanded they made another photo album that was named After BLACKPINK and After BTS that consists of photos of when each member got married, had kids, and lived their lives after BLACKPINK and BTS.

Jisoo leaned in Taehyung's shoulder as they both stared at the kids studying the photo albums they had collected over the years.

"I've always wondered when they will know about our idol life," he said with a smile

"It's about time they know about it and it's not like we're keeping it a secret. The whole world already fell into depression when BTS disbanded three years ago" she said and held Taehyung's hand that was on her shoulder

"It's not like a time wouldn't come when we'll disband" Jisoo's chuckled at his words.

That day, the Kim siblings began admiring their parents more and seeing their Aunts and Uncles in a new light as they were reborn as different people.

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