Chapter two

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Olivia Pov
I just met the most gorgeous blue eyed man ever. He seems so kind and caring, but I feel like he is hiding something from me. I never thought I would have the chance to experience love at first sight, but I think I just did.
We were walking to the coffee shop, when his cell phone rang. He stepped off to the side.
"What's wrong Maureen?" He said
"Just call grandma alright. I'll be home as soon as I can. Okay." he said I into the phone
He closed his phone and walked over to me.
"I'm sorry, that was my daughter on the phone. Her mother got strung out and she's scared. I understand if you don't want to see me again." he said
"No, I want to see you again. Maybe I can come over and help you out with your daughter." I said
I watched his face light up at my words.
We walked back to his car in a hurry and he sped off.
" Just met you today and I'm already taking you to meet my daughter." he laughed
"Well life is too short to take your time. I love kids anyway." I laughed
We pulled up to what I assume is his apartment building with a bunch of police cars out front. Elliot rushed out the car, I turned off the car and rushed out behind him.
"Maureen." he yelled
"Daddy!" I heard a little girl scream
A girl with blond hair who couldn't be more than five years old ran over to Elliot and jumped into his arms. I slowed to walk over to the two of them. I watched as he checked his child for any cuts or scratches. I knew that one day I wanted a husband who was like that.
Elliot Pov
I looked behind me to see Olivia watching us with pure adoration in her eyes. I beckoned her towards us.
" Mo, this is Olivia. she is my friend from the police academy."i said
"She is pretty." Maureen smiled.
"You are pretty too, Maureen" Olivia smiled
"Let go of me!!" I heard Kathy scream
"Maureen, stay with Olivia. okay " I said
"Okay daddy." she said
" Do what you have to do. Maureen and I can wait in the car." Olivia smiled
I trudged over to Kathy.
"Elliot, I'm not high I promise." she said
I smelled the weed and alcohol on her.
"Just stay away from us Kathy. You were never ready to be a mother and I can do this without you." I said
I started walking away from Kathy when I heard a shot fired, then there was darkness.

Authors Note: I'm going to do a big time jump in the next chapter and I'll explain what between then.

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