Chapter 24

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Dani pov
I watched from a distance as both Olivia and Elliot were rushed to the hospital . For once Brain got the job done correctly. I silently prayed Olivia dies in the hospital, then I'll have Elliot all to myself even after I push my conniving sister out of the way. All I know is one way or the next Elliot will be mine......
Olivia pov
The last thing I remember what falling face first into the cold marbled floor. I groaned slightly as my eyes flutter open. Elliot was asleep on the couch, my heart broke a little when I saw his arm in a sling.and his forehead bandaged.
"Elliot" I rasped
"Sorry Olivia, my little angel is asleep. A very deep sleep." Dani whispered
"What- how!?!" I choked out
"I knew he wasn't actually dead, I just needed everyone else think I was dead, so they'd bring him out of hiding. To make sure his Livvie Love was still in New York, I planted my darling boyfriend Brian in your life. if I must say best plan ever came up with." she laughed wickedly
I fumbled with the assistance clicker. I finally got ahold of it as Dani straddled an asleep Elliot. A nurse ran in,silently signaling a guard. Dani started kissing Elliot all over his face. He groaned when she leaned on his bandaged arm. A security guard came in and she shot him twice in the leg and once in the head. Elliot woke up pushing Dani off.
"Dani!" A woman yelled
"Melinda, get out of here." Elliot yelled
"You know my sister!" Dani screamed
"We were high school sweethearts before I met Kathy and then married Olivia." He replied
"So this is the man you let go, the one I'm in love with. What a small world" Dani laughed
"Please Dani don't hurt anyone. They don't deserve to die. Elliot doesn't want any of us, he is happy and we both have kids of our own to think about." Melinda begged
"But what if he had to choose, which one of us would he want to be with?" Dani taunted
"Melinda, I'd choose her if I wasn't married or in a relationship." Elliot said
"Dani, Elliot and I are happy just let us be happy. I haven't done anything to you." I said
"You get to have his children. Your pregnant right now and it's unfair." Dani said
Dani started going psycho and throwing chairs and tables across my room. I watched as Melinda picked up the gun and hit Dani in the back of the head knocking her unconscious.
"I'm sorry" she whispered
She hit Elliot in the head, then injecting me with a drug. I slowly drifted off as she dragged Elliot out.
Elliot pov
The last thing I remember is getting knocked out by Melinda, my girlfriend. I wonder why she did that, I thought she loved me......
Olivia pov
When I woke up my mother and father were sitting on the chairs by my bed.
"Mom, dad" I rasped
"Oh Olivia, Elliot is missing." my mother sobbed
"Melinda Daniels. She is a nurse here, she hit him in head,then drugged me. We have to find him mom. I can't raise seven kids alone. I just can't." I cried into her shoulder
"We will find him Liv. I promise you." my father said kissing my hair

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