Chapter 23

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Elliot pov
I saw the nurse about to leave my room.
"Where's my wife?" I asked hoarsely
"I'll go get your doctor." she answered quickly
Moments later the doctor walked in.
"Mr.Stabler, how are you feeling?" He asked
"Like I just jumped into a rainbow full of sunshine. Where is my wife?" I asked again
"She is on her way back from surgery." he said
I at mediately sat in the bed, scanning the room until I finally spotted my clothes freshly folded on the hair next to me. I carefully but swiftly took the IV out of my arm.
"Mr.Stabler, I advise you to at least take it easy. We don't want to you to rip your stitches." He tried to plead with me.
I just kept putting my shoes on before I turned and asked...
"What room is she going to be in?" I asked
"215" he said
I ran down to Olivia's room, to see her sleeping with an unpeaceful stance.
I walked in slowly and pulled a chair next to the bed.
"Excuse me sir, but this room is for family members only." The nurse said
I turned and it was Melinda.
"I'm her husband." I replied
"Hope she gets better Elliot." she said
I followed her into the hall.
"I'm sorry I broke your heart in high school." I said
"I'm still getting over the heartbreak El, but you clearly moved on like you said. Pregnant wife and wonderful kids who checked in on you and even brought you some clothes." she said
"Wait- hold on you said pregnant wife. How far along is she?" I asked surprised
"About two weeks." she replied
"Seventh child. Wow" I smiled
"Congrats El." she said softly
"I'll let you get back to work. I just wanted to apologize." I said before walking back to Olivia.
And there I stayed for the rest if the night.
Melinda pov
God That body, his lips, I just wanted to kiss him so badly. but he is married now with a family that I always thought we'd have together.
I wish I wasn't such a coward back when he had proposed to me. I regret not saying yes.
I ran my hands through my hair a couple of times. I stood a couple minutes longer than I would have watching Elliot comfort his wife.
"Nurse Daniels, we can't find Mr.Stabler." my superior said
"He is sitting in the room with his wife." I replied
"Did you authorize him to be released?" He said
"No sir, I was adjusting Mrs.Stabler's room like you asked me too." I said politely
He walked up to me, grabbing my arm with a hard grip, probably leaving a mark.
"Next time multitask and do your job making sure no one thinks that a patient is missing understood darlin." He said
"Yes, I understood Josh. Let go of my arm please" I replied softly
Unfortunately Josh is my husband, my abusive husband and father to my son Jake and daughter Jessica. As much as I had hoped for a perfect life I didn't get it. I wanted to be with Elliot more then ever, but I was stupid and let him go and exchanged was given an asshole for a partner.
If Dani were alive, she make sure Josh never hurt me the way he did when I called him Elliot during sex.
Once Josh left, I went to the nearest bathroom and cried in a stall.
"Melinda, I saw you come in here. Stop the sobbing crap, get yourself together quick, you don't have time to cry like a baby in a bathroom, every time I put you check. You have a job to do, help saving lives. You don't have time to cry, now let's go." Josh said
I quickly wiped the remaining tears and came out of the stall to see a disappointed Josh waiting for me.
"Pull yourself together and finish your rounds, so we can go home." he said sternly.
I splashed some water on my face and followed Josh out the bathroom.
"I just have to check on the Stablers and I'm done." I said
"Alright, I'm gonna grab our things and wait for you at the car." he said walking past me
I went to check on Elliot. When I walked in Elliot was caressing his wife's face while she slept. I watched him look at her with pure adoration, his other hand was rubbing her stomach. A few tears escaped my eyes, I quickly wiped them away. I walked in, Elliot didn't even seem to notice my presence.
"Is there anything I can get you before I leave?" I asked
"No, but thanks for asking." he said without looking at me
"Well, have a good night then." I replied softly
"You too." he replied in a whisper
I made my way out of the room not taking my eyes off the way Elliot interacted with his wife. The way he looked at her made me break inside, wishing even that my life with Josh was like that. What Elliot and his wife have is something I'll never have.

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