Chapter Twenty

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Olivia Pov
*Bang Bang*
I shot the gun at the paper. Ever since the Brian incident, everything has changed. I can't sleep without seeing his face in almost every dream taunting me.
I was walking home and it was so dark outside, when I heard footsteps behind me. I quickly turned to see Brian right there. I started running as fast as I could.
"Olivia, get back here!" He yelled behind me.
Before I knew I was slammed into the cold hard concrete floor. His knee was in my back, I slowly pulled out my revolver hitting his side as hard as I could. He dropped from off me and unto his back. I got on top of him pushing the gun at his temple.
"Give me a reason not to pull this trigger, blowing your brains out." I seethed through my teeth
"Olivia!!!!" I heard Elliot scream
I looked around my now dark surroundings and when I looked down I saw Elliot laying there and my gun pushed against his head. I jumped off of him and scurried into the corner of our room wrapping myself into a ball.
My sweat drenched hair clinged to my shirt and face. I started to cry. I felt Elliot wrap his arms around me bringing me towards his chest.
"I'm so sorry." I cried
"Shh. It's going to be okay." Elliot said in my ear
Maureen came into the room, all the kids behind her with fear in their eyes. I stood up and comforted them as best as I could. Oliver and Emily just hugged my legs. Elliot picked Dickie up into his arms. Noah just stood at the door with his hands in his pockets looking at the carpet. Kathleen was staring at the gun on the bed probably wondering what was really happening. I kissed Maureen head.
"How about we all go back to bed." I croaked
The twins and Dickie jumped into our bed. Noah got in too. Nights like these I was happy to have a humongous bed that all eight of us could fit in and with that we still had space. I laid next to Noah. I brought him closer to me, I felt tears spill on my shirt. Noah wrapped his arms around me. I brushed his chin length shaggy hair from his eyes. Moments later he fell asleep. I stared at the ceiling before finally closing my eyes to a peaceful dreamless dream.

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