Chapter 25

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Elliot pov
I woke up tied to a chair. Melinda was standing in the doorway with a gun in hand.
"Melinda what the hell are you doing with a gun?" I stumbled out
"Just a precaution invade you tried to run away from me." she said
"Why would I want to run away from you? I asked you out because I think you're pretty awesome." I smiled
She looked somewhat confused for a second.
"You're right. I'm sorry for flipping out. Let me untie you." she smiled
She walked over and untied me, then sat on my lap.
"Are you just going to say there or are you going to give me s kiss?" I joked
She quickly smashed her lips to mine, it felt weird like I didn't love her and met someone else who made me feel complete.
She pulled away smiling.
"Are you hungry? Do you want me to make you something to eat?" She asked
"No, but I'm exhausted. Where's the bedroom in this place?" I asked
"Come on I'm pretty tired too." she smiled
She took my hand and led me to the bedroom. We laid down and she snuggled in to my chest. I laid my chin on her head inhaling her scent. She smelled like vanilla, but I feel like her scent is so unfamiliar. Like I've smelled something better.
"I love you,El. Just you and me forever is a very nice thought." A gorgeous woman said
"I love you. Lets just lay here forever." I smiled
The woman and I laid in each others arms and it was like two pieces to one puzzle. It was warm and comforting. I think I'm in love with her.
I jolted awake. I felt like I should know who that woman is. I need to find her. But how????

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