Chapter 10

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"Oyakata-sama, I've come back to report the mission." a swift of air appeared, then showed the blue eyed demon slayer, kneeling in front of the leader.

"Hm, then let us commence. Giyuu." a calm voice replied.


"Zhongli.." Tanjiro spoke, quietly.

"Hm?" He replied, looking towards Tanjiro.

"What will we do about Nezuko?" Tanjiro's voice quivered, "I don't want her to.." he stopped himself, he didn't dare say the last part. But Zhongli understood either way.

He then placed his gloved hand on Tanjiro's shoulder, "She won't, don't worry." he spoke softly, "I'll take care of this situation."

"Okay.." Tanjiro replied, though his face still held concern and worry. "I wish I could also help as well." He looked down and stared at the flattened snow on the floor.

"There will always be that day, do not worry." Zhongli reassured Tanjiro, in which it...sort of worked. Tanjiro looked up and smiled at Zhongli, "right!"

"Now, would you like some tea? It will take at least six hours or so." He offered to Tanjiro, "I promise it will meet up to your expectations."

Tanjiro laughed a little, "Yeah sure." he accepted.


"Zhongli-san." kie walked over to the kitchen, "what should we do with Nezuko?" she questioned in concern. "Hanako, Shigeru, and Takeo..." she mumbled, looking down.

"Hm.." he put his hand to his chin, "all we can do right now is to just keep her alive an make sure she doesn't eat any of us." he spoke, taking his hand off from his chin. "As for your other children, just give them time. I'm sure this has scarred them in some way, so it's best to give them time."

"But as if right now, I have no plans on what we should do. Not at the moment at least." he then added, then back to the tea.

"Ah.. Alright." kie spoke quietly, she nodded at Zhongli, then walked off to Nezukos room.


"Tanjiro?" Zhongli spoke, opening the door slowly, then seeing Tanjiro sitting next to Nezukos bed and him patting her hair while she slept. Tanjiro flinched a bit at the sudden noise, but then turned around. "Oh! Zhongli-San." He spoke, he saw the tea in Zhongli's hands and smiled.

"Thanks." He took the tea as Zhongli walked closer and gave Tanjiro the tea, "It seems Nezuko is doing alright." Zhongli spoke, staring at her, observing her.

'We can't exactly do much at the moment, from my knowledge, Demons need human flesh to survive and if Nezuko doesn't eat then..she'll just die either way.' He thinks to himself, 'There has to be way...the contract—' he then shook his head, 'forget the contract, I'll let my own emotions deal with this.' He took a deep breath and looked towards Tanjiro.

'It hasn't been long, but I consider this family to be very important to me. I will protect them best I can, I failed the first time. I won't the second time.' He turned around headed for the door.

"If she wakes up, be sure to inform me about it." He told Tanjiro, he opened the door wider and walked out. Closing the door behind him.

'A lot has changed during my time being sealed as it seems. And from the infestation of demons coming around, my only guess that #### has perished long ago.' Zhongli walks outside of the house and stares at the snow on the floor, 'he has done his duty for many many years already, so it's good that he perished long ago. He deserves a rest, and he deserves peace in mind.' He picks up a stick and starts to doodle on the snow.

'Though, I do wish I got to see the last of my last time, before that happened.' He closed his eyes for a moment, taking in the cold air. Then opened them, he dropped the stick and stood up.

'But wishes simply don't come true.'


"Hey...Shigeru, what do you think happened to Nezuko?" Hanako looked down, she was sitting on the edge of her bed fiddling with her small thumbs.

"I don't was scary." Shigeru replied, he was also looking down, he was sitting on a small wooden chair in the room. He stared blankly at the floor.

"Yeah...but where do you think Takeo went?" Hanako questioned, "I haven't seen him a lot ever since that happened."

Shigeru shrugged, "I don't know, but I hope he's okay as well." He mumbled, then silence grew once again in the small bedroom.

"Hey...Shigeru, do you want to try and read a book with me?" Hanako looked up towards Shigeru, hoping he'd say yes.

"Yeah." He smiled a little, both kids needed something to pass the time, and something to get their young minds off of everything that had been happening recently.


"Too much time has passed, how will the plan work this time?"

"It just so happens that the princesses power was finally restored to its full potential. We just needed to wait like about...a couple thousand before we started this plan."


"Quick stalling!"


𝐑𝐞-𝐀𝐰𝐚𝐤𝐞𝐧𝐞𝐝 𝐎𝐧𝐜𝐞 𝐀𝐠𝐚𝐢𝐧 [Discontinued]Where stories live. Discover now