Chapter 15

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I actually forgot if I had Giyu give Nezuko a muzzle or not, if so then oh well. I'm going off of what I have rn


"The job has been finished I suppose now that you have returned to me?" Spoke a deep voice, his back was facing the creature as the sounds of shifting wood and buildings were heard along with the twangs of a biwa that seemed to be everywhere around the fortress no matter what. "Yes..The majority of the family is now deceased." Replied the creature, "the majority?" "Yes, there was one survivor. He looked so much like him but with just some..minor features that are also not him. One thing that stood out was his hanafuda earrings, which hint with that family's history with him." As the creature finished speaking. The man who faced his back at the creature trembled slightly as his fists were clenched.

"Useless imbecile!" The man snapped and turned around to face the creature quickly, fear laced his face as anger was mixed into the bowl. His plum red eyes glared down at the creature, "you killed all but one?! Do you know what problems this would cause?!" He stomped over to the creature. "If this ever happens again, I'm going to close our contract as it would appear I made the wrong choice to go to you guys. Tch, if you still want me, and my demons on your side, go finish off the hanafuda boy, and a man with eyes as vibrant as gold, and yet as dark as stone. Brown long hair, tied." His face soon calmed as he turned around.


"Tch. And he's the one who made the contract with me, he should choose his actions wisely. I only agreed because it would benefit me, and him. But if he's going to act like this any more, I too, shall close the contract. Not like it would make a difference." Spoke a feminine voice from afar in the maze of the fortress, overhearing the conversation with a blank and an expressionless face. "This time, I shall succeed, and leave this world. And find save him." She turned around gracefully, her white dress with gold and light blue followed along. Her white and gold boots clinked on the wooden floor she stood upon.

"It just has to succeed this time."



Zhongli placed his gloved hand on Tanjiros shoulder who sat on the snowy floor, kneeling down in a praying position. Tears leaking out ever so slowly no matter how hard he tried to hold it in. Zhongli gave a sigh, he would allow Tanjiro to mourn some more for the death of his beloved family, so he went back into the eerily quiet home and to Nezuko's room. He gave a small knock, and heard a "come in." From Nezuko. "How is big brother doing?" She questioned him with watery eyes, her fanged teeth peaking out from her lips ever so slightly.

"He's.." Zhongli paused for a moment, bit his lip a little, and gave a sigh. "He's holding up well, but I can tell just how much he is hurting inside. I'm not sure how much this will affect him, but it has left a huge hole in him for the time-being." He replied, facing his head down. It had only been recently after the attack of the abyss mage when Nezuko began to speak, though she was now a demon, nothing about her had changed.

"I see.." she sniffled, her human emotions were true and honest. Unlike any other demon. "I don't blame him, I too..feel the same way." She gripped her kimono as a few droplets of tears dripped from her light pink eyes. "Nezuko." Zhongli began, getting her attention, "I may not know how, and Tanjiro may exactly feel on losing a..Loved one. But I am here to help in any way I can." He placed a hand onto his chest and stared at Nezuko straight into her light pink eyes. Showing his sincerity.

But the thing is..

He knew the feeling of loss, it was something he grew..accustomed towards.

Due to being a being from near the very beginning, he has seen things come and go. And things evolve and grow. While he, would stand idly, watching time and erosion go by ever so slightly. People whom he presumed as loved ones and friends..all grew old, and succumbed to death. And not once, could he join them. He was stuck in an eternal loop of existing, watching life go by, and watching life move on as he continued to struggle to keep up.

Not once could he mourn properly.

Not once could he go into such deep thought to think about those he missed, and those he loved so dearly.

And so eventually, he forgot them all. One by one.

Due to the effects, of erosion itself.

And he too, will forget those he has met right here and now, just not yet.

But soon.


"Tanjiro." He called out again, "get up." He spoke sternly. "It is during our darkest moments that we must focus to see the light." [ —Aristotle] He spoke, his voice softening. "I'm sure your family would agree, come inside. I'll make you something for dinner." He motioned his hand for Tanjiro to follow, in which he did. "Zhongli-san?" He questioned, looking up at Zhongli. "Hm?" "I want to continue my training!" He spoke out determinedly, surprising Zhongli enough for him to widen his eyes ever so slightly. Then they softened again.

"Of course. Ah wait— that reminds me." Zhongli dug his hand into his pocket and took out a neatly folded piece of paper. "Take this, and let me know your answer." He gave Tanjiro the piece of paper, and walked to the kitchen. "You can go to Nezuko, I'm sure she's awake by now." He finished, as he began to focus on what he was planning to do from the start. Make dinner for Tanjiro, as he had been neglecting his human needs for some time as he was mourning for his family.

Tanjiro had given a nod, and placed the piece of paper into his pocket and walked away over to Nezuko's room. 'I hope Zhongli-San knows that..It wasn't his fault, and that he shouldn't feel this way over a promise of some sort. It was unexpected, and it's not like Zhongli-San could've predicted this. Don't worry Zhongli-san.' Tanjiro clenched his fists tightly, 'but I won't forgive whatever that thing was..whatever it was, I'll never forgive it!' He halted in place and gave a blink. He took in deep breaths.

'I have to calm down.' He told himself, opening Nezukos door a little, "Nezuko?" He called out, and heard a soft hum. "Ah, so you were awake!" A smile was formed upon his face, "I'm sorry Nezuko, that I wasn't able to protect our family. But I promise for sure that..I'll protect you, and turn you into a human again! And I'll make sure Zhongli-san knows that we're here for him too!" As he said that, he felt warm arms wrap around him quickly. "Don't worry big brother." She squeezed Tanjiro a little, "I promise to do the same."


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┆Head to MOUNT. SAGIRI and Find an old man with a red tengu mask          ┆
┆with a blue and white cloud haori. He will help you, and train you for your       ┆
┆journey ahead.                                                                                                                   ┆
┆                                                                                                                                              ┆
┆— Giyu Tomioka                                                                                                                ┆
┆▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬▬ ┆

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