The Met

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My name is Liz Xavier and I'm a mutant. My mutation is one that every young girl has dreamed of having after watching 'The little mermaid'. I can turn in to a mermaid, and I can control water, it's great. So as you can guess I love the water, so my dad put a pool in that students can walk under and watch as I swim in.

Right now I'm on my way back to my room from a swim. Thanking how I need to get to my room, so I can put on clean and dye clothes. Walking past the students I feel a hand on my upper arm. Stopping I look to see Jean Gray ore school doctor and one of the other teachers. "Sorry to bother you Liz, but can I ask you to look in on the man storm and Scott brought in this morning, your father needs me in his classroom for just a minute." Jean said in a whisper so the kid won't know that the new unknown man in the school... well not just yet at least. I smile at her and nod. "Yeah, I can." I say then turn and go down the hall way to go to the elevator down the hall. When I get to the bottom half of the school, to see the medical wing doors open automatically for me, walking in I look around, what I see is not what I had expected, the guy is hot. I ignore that and go over to see if he's a live, not being able to see his chest move, I put my hand over his hart. Not moving, I feel if his beating. Letting out a sigh of relief I go to move my hand away, but without a warning one of the mans hand grabs my wrist and jumps off the bed all in one movement. I don't know what to do. The man looks down at me then throws me to the side and takes off running out the door.

After the shock of the event wears off I run over the phone and call my dad. "Yes Lizzy." my dad ask. "The man's gone he took off running." I tell him in one breath. "Come on up and I'll get him here." "Ok." I say and hang up the phone. After I catch my breath I slowly start to the elevator. The rid up was nerve-racking but I just won't to see my daddy now.

As I walk into his office/classroom my dad looks at me with a loving smile. "And you have already met my daughter, Liz." I stop walking and take my place next to him. When I notes that the man has one of the schools jackets on. 'Where did he get that... hum?' I don't lesson until I her the man say "and what do they call you... wheels." This pisses me off. "Look here buddy, I don't know what you problem is bu-" the man cuts me off with a laugh. "This is the stupidest thug I have ever hard." Turns and grabs Scott by the shirt and tells him to get out of his way "Logan it's been 15 years, moving from place to place, with no memory of who or what you are." My dad says going into the man, Logan's, mine. "Shut up." In the end my dad talk's Logan in to staying for 48 hours, and shows him around the school. Soon after Jean runs some test on Logan, nothing big X-rays and blood work. Then I show him to his room sins Jean is work to going over his test.

"This is it. If you want to take a shower, there towels in here." I say as I walk up to the closet and open it to show him the nice white towels that are in all the rooms. "The bath rooms through that door and if you have any questions I'm right next door." I tell him with a smile. "Um, thanks and I'm sorry about what happen." "It's ok, you didn't know what was happening." I say about to walk away but am stop by Logan putting a hand out. "Hey, what's you power." My smile grow bigger as I say "I control water and can turn into a mermaid." At first he don't know what to say, but then. "You mine with the fish tile." I nod my hard. "Yep, I love it the freedom of the open water is great." "I'm sorry I have got too see this." I laugh at this. "Yeah that's what most people say, but what I won't to do is one day is go to the ocean and swim around the boats and fuck with the people on them." I say with a laugh. "But if you want to see, I was going for a swim later tonight. So that I won't have the kid watching." Logan puts on a smile which I have to say looks good on him. "I'd like that." I walk to the door and walk out but stop before I close the door, I tell him "I'll see you there." And close the door and Walk to my room next door.

Edited: 5/29/2016

Edited: 2/25/2017

Liz Xavier the unknown x-man(wolverine love) (on hold)Where stories live. Discover now