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1st person POV

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1st person POV

Today was a really nice day. But it could have been better if the rent wasn't due tomorrow! I mean, I've been holding it off for a month now, basically begging the landlady not to kick me out. And maybe I do regret my decision of moving out of my parent's house. I genuinely thought it'd be easy to live alone

Why did I think that? Well, for starters, I'm a 22-year-old woman. I should be living a responsible life on my own in my own house! I should be able to manage and be responsible, right?

Uh, no. It was actually the complete opposite. This supposedly responsible woman was juggling 3 jobs all alone, in a rotting apartment in a secluded part of the neighborhood. Yes, you heard that right. 3. Fucking. Jobs. It's exhausting, yeah, but I just didn't like the thought of relying so much on my parents anymore, so I decided to bare it.

JOBS (Yoon y/n)

Waiter at a coffee shop - pretty nice to be honest. but tiring on the paydays because that's when people start flooding in. The pay? is 6000 won per hour which I usually work for about 5 hours so about 30,000 won per shift.

Cosplay café - they provide the things you would need so pretty decent. pretty packed on weekends so Saturdays and Sundays are when I usually work. the pay? well, they ask us to work for about 4 hours at least so about 28000 won per shift.

Masseur - is not really my best option but I need the money so I can live. my usual customers are men but I get some women from time to time. the pay is pretty worth it because I get like 25000 per session and I often get tips.

And yeah those are the jobs I'm currently working. I'd like better jobs but I can't really be picky can I? Anyways, going back to our little rent issue, I won't be able to pay it in time. I might as well be considered evicted.


Huh? I check my pocket and see a text from a decent clothing company, saying that I had an interview for a job as a designer! This could be the job that saves me. Oh god, I have to hurry!

I look at my clothes and they were fine. I should be able to work with this. I should just hurry, I'll make it and get the job for sure. I started rushing, basically running down the street.


I felt a huge wave of pain as a car crashed into me. it sent my body flying. the last thing I saw was a man. why... why does he look so familiar?

Dojun pov

Haah... I'm quite tired as I've been dealing with my company the whole day... I got into my car and drove away from the parking lot as I felt like I could pass out any second now. I hit the gas so I could finally leave this dark parking lot.

I was almost home when a girl attempted to cross the road while the lights were still green signaling that the cars may go on. I tried to hit the brakes but I was a bit too slow. 

What I dreaded to happen... Did actually happen. My car crashed into her, causing her body to fling away at least 50 meters. Cars around me stopped, honking their horns at me.

I grabbed her unconscious body and gently laid her down on the back seat. as I took a closer look at her features, she reminded me of someone. Someone that I haven't seen in a long time, Yoon Y/N, a very close friend of mine, the younger sister of Yoon Heesoo. I felt my heart drop when I realized who it was. She was bleeding a lot, bleeding from many different parts of her body and it was concerning.

I drove fast to the hospital as she was losing more and more blood. when we arrived I called a nurse. "please take care of her. She is losing a lot of blood. When she wakes up, please tell her that I will be covering the hospital bills." I said as I handed the nurse a stack of cash.

Not long after, more nurses and doctors rushed in and put y/n on a bed. And then, they took her to the emergency room.

'I hope she'll be okay..'

Time skip

1st Person POV

'Huh.. that's weird.. am I dead? or no.. no. I m not..'

I opened my eyes and I see a white ceiling, with a bright light illuminating the room, a nurse to my side said

"Oh miss Y/N! You're awake thank goodness... You were hit by a car and the owner of the car paid the bills so you'll be fine! Please just rest more so you can recover faster."

Oh.. She's nice.. Wait... WAIT... MY INTERVIEW!


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