⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚chapter 20˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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2nd person pov

The events have started! You and Seo were looking around, trying to decide where to start. There were simply too many activities! You wanted to start with something simple like a game for winning plushies. You looked at Seo who was eyeing the stand with a giant red panda bear plush. You could tell she wanted to win it so you asked her if she wanted to go in which she happily said yes. The challenge was simple, you just had to throw 3 darts to the middle of 3 targets. You get one try for each target. You were quite good at darts (because you're cool) so you took the challenge to win it. The man at the stand spotted you and smiled.

"Welcome! Would you like to play for our biggest prize, the red panda? No one has won it yet!" He says and you grin, taking your wallet out as Seo continuously stared at the giant plushie.

"Yeah, sure!" You said, giving him your money. He gives you three darts and you take them, looking straight at the three targets. They weren't too far, just about 3 meters from where you were standing. You closed one eye, holding the dart as you positioned it. Once you were done, you threw the dart swiftly and sharply onto the board, sticking onto the bull's eye.

"Wow, great shot, ms! With that, you can get one of the cows or the dolphin plushies. If you get another one, you can get turtles and unicorns, and if you get all three, I'll give you either the giant red panda or the giant giraffe! I'll also throw in 40 valentine points for the valentine event points system!" He says, slightly throwing you off. Not that he said anything wrong, but why say that while you're trying to aim? The information floods your brain a bit. But on the bright side, you already won something. But the points would give you a huge boost! You were still aiming to get the red panda for Seo. You aimed your dart again, throwing it when you thought it would hit the bullseye and it did! You celebrated in your head but kept a calm face, knowing you still had to throw the other dart. In one final throw, the 3rd dart hit the board, right in the center. 

"Yaya I won!" You said, jumping around. You looked at Seo who was looking at you in awe. Honestly, she found it cute how you got excited about your win. You looked at the man at the stand and smiled as he gave you the giant plush. Despite its size, it was lighter than you expected. You went towards Seo and handed the plushie to her, her eyes widening.

"Huh?" She muttered but she was kinda happy.

"You were staring at it earlier and I thought you liked it so here! I won it for you~" You said with a closed-eyed smile. Little did you know Seo was blushing like crazy! She was shocked that you went and won it for her just because she was staring at it and she was hella happy!

"T-thanks, y/n! You are so sweet I swear. But I was actually looking at it because I thought YOU would like it." She said and your eyes widened.

"S-so you don't actually like it?" You asked and she shakes her head, as she tried to deny that.

"No, it's not that! I actually really like it!" She says in panic and you smile. You almost forgot something, and that was your 40 points. You looked at the man and opened your mouth to speak.

"Don't forget, I should have 40 points from you!" You said and he smiles at you, grabbing a valentines day themed sticker marked with a "40" sign on it.

"Where's your point card? You should put it there because, at the end of this whole event, you can use the points you got to buy stuff!" He says. You didn't have one with you.

"Oh, I don't have one... Do you know where I can get one?" You asked him and he points at a stand near the back door you entered to get here.

"There should be a stand there and you can get a point card." He says and you thank him, walking to the stand with Seo. You soon reached the stand and asked the lady for a point card.

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