⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚chapter 17˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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(2nd person pov)

The next day, you still felt kind of down about what happened. You couldn't stop thinking about Dojun and Kim Ha Eun. Were they in a relationship together? No, it cant be. They are just friends that are having lunch, nothing else. You don't have to complicated things. But the thought still lingered in your mind. Was it because you didn't have lunch with him? Because you went with Seo instead of him? Pfft- No, that's impossible. Why would he be jealous? You were no one special. The only reason the two of you are doing 'stuff' is that he feels in debt to you. But why? You could never answer the question. You laid in bed, thinking. Why is he putting up with you? He could just kick you out but he didn't. Does he actually have feelings for you? You didn't know. You wished he had feelings for you, but it's not like wishing would change anything. You had feelings for him, you really do but you felt like it would be pointless to hope for something that seemed impossible. There was nothing special about you, he could find thousands of girls like you. 

Suddenly, your phone lit up, causing you to turn your head to look at it. There was a message from Seo. YOu picked it up and read it.


Jeong Seo Yeon

Hey, y/n! How are you doing? You seemed pretty down when we reached the cafeteria... Please tell me if I did something wrong! All that aside, I hope you're doing well! See you at lunch<3


You smiled at the message. It felt nice to have someone worry about you. You wrote a reply back.


Y/n Yoon

No, you did nothing wrong! I'm okay by the way, thank you for asking! And I hope you're doing well too! See you!


And with that, you turned your phone off and set it aside. It was 5:30 AM and you thought about sleeping again but if you did sleep again, you were sure that you would oversleep. You didn't want to be late but you were kind of tired so you just laid there in bed. Thinking about Dojun again, you became more pissed at the fact that he had lunch with Kim Ha Eun. You were jealous, and you assumed that he did that to make you jealous too. Well, if that's how he wants to play...

Then bring it on.

You were going to play this little game, and you were gonna make him jealous. You were kinda petty but that's not the point right now. Still, why were you like this? He just had lunch with her. You didn't know. Actually, you do know. You were in love and you wanted him all for yourself. You realized that you were finally willing to do anything and everything just to win this man and his heart. You sat up and walked towards the bathroom, brushing your teeth and taking a bath. You wore something skimpy today. No, not to tease Dojun but for yourself. You've always had this outfit in your closet and it was just DYING to be worn!

 You've always had this outfit in your closet and it was just DYING to be worn!

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