⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚chapter 8˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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reader pov

now that i officially have the position of dojun - hyung's secretary, we can go home! wait, i forgot how much he would pay me monthly.. ehh.. i guess ill know when i start working! which then again.. would be tomorrow. 

me and hyung are in the elevator, going down to the 1st floor. as we reached floor 37, the door opens and 5 people come in. they were talking so cheerfully until they saw hyung. i assume they didnt want to look bad in front of him. i mean.. i wouldnt want to either.. 

the people who entered were surrounded by pheromones. pheromones that smelled like.. fear. i don't know.. I mean it doesn't exactly have a specific smell like cherry or rose. it just.. gives off a vibe. and that vibe is telling me that they are a bit scared.

 one of them pressed the button that said 15 and went back to his spot. i noticed that a female was looking at me. she.. she gave me alpha vibes. she had this dominant scent like dojun hyung's but hers smelt sweeter.  like.. lemons with a hint of axe..

she was probably the only one that wasnt scared or nervous. i looked at the name tag on her chest and read "jeong seo eun".. 

i looked at her face and wow.. she looks pretty! but what i didnt realize was that she was actually walking towards me. well.. now i know. keep in mind that dojun - hyung was actually beside me. 

"your pretty cute.. ive never seen you around.. are you new?" she asked me, cupping her face with her hand.

"ah! y-yes! im new.." i stammered. damn.. what is it about her? he looks really pretty! she looks dominant too..

"well.. what do you say we get to know each other?" she said. i dont know why but i felt blood rushing up to my face. she put her hand under my chin as she looked into my eyes.

"oh.. sure!" i said. she seems nice though! she wasnt like.. the secretary from earlier..

"ok then! whats your name?" she asked.

"my name is yoon (y/n) !" i said happily. yay i already have a friend! she smiled as she grabbed my hands.

"thats a pretty name, sweetie.. now remember.. my name is jeong seo eun.. im on floor 37 , along with my friends. feel free to visit anytime!" she said.

again, i felt more blood rush to my face. she called me sweetie! we only just met, yeah but i can tell we might get along!

"yes!" i heard a ding as the doors opened. oh.. were at floor 15! 

"well then.. ill see you next time, y/n!" she said waving goodbye. i waved back of course.

there was silence once they left. i felt happy though. 

"do you.. know her?" dojun - hyung asked. crap i almost forgot he was there-

"no not really.. but id like to be friends with her!" i said. there was silence again. but i didnt mind, we didnt always have a conversation.. anywaysss.. were at the 1st floor now! woohoo! were going home now! i cant wait to tell mom, dad, and heesoo about my new job.. 

me and dojun hyung went outside and into his car. i thought we were going home but.. he was driving towards somewhere else. i was confused of course.

"eh? where are we going?" i asked, looking at hyung. 

"were going to the mall... seon department store.." he said with a smile. oh.. oh wait! isnt that the mall dogyeom manages?! Oh well then that means there's a chance that I'll meet her! damn i miss being a kid.. she used to baby sit me all the time! i miss her.. its been a long time since ive talked to her..

"why are we going there?" i asked again. there isnt any particular reason as to why he would bring me there. maybe he just needs to buy something? 

"were going to uh.. to celebrate.. you becoming my secretary.." he said. whaa- i didnt think that was something to be THAT happy about..i mean im happy, yes but.. why celebrate i havnt even started working- but then again.. 


"are you going to pay?" i asked. If he says yes then I won't have to spend my money. and ill get free stuff soo...

"ah.. well.. yes.. but dogyeom is will also be there so.. she might take you shopping.." my face lit up. Ahh! shes gonna be there! im excited! oh shit, i see the mall already.

"so uhh where are we gonna meet unnie?" (reader is reffering to dogyeom) i asked cuz i really wanna see her. i couldnt contact her as it always said number unavailable..

"we'll be meeting her at the food court." he said as he began to park. (yall are at the parking lot underground)

i opened the door and walked out of the car. as we walked to the little elevator leading upstairs, a car rushed right beside me. damn i felt that.. i almost got friggin killed.. by a car..FOR THE SECOND TIME- 

i looked chill on the outside but in the inside, i was silently panicking.

dojun took ahold of my hand and began to walk. Oh my gosh HES HOLDING MY HAND- and i didnt initiate it! This is uhm, this is new...

we reached the food court and we see.. dogyeom!

"unnie!" i shouted while running towards her.

"y/n!" she said putting her arms out. i jumped into her arms as she spun us around.

"ah y/n how ive missed you!" she said cupping my face.

"ehehe.. i missed you too, unnie!" i replied, hugging her stomach.

"aw.. you know if you were available, id make you my omega but dojun here obviously already has his eyes on you.." she said patting my back. 

"e-eh? but he doesnt though.. what are you talking about?" i asked her.

"oh.. so your the oblivious type huh.. dojun has never shown interest in anybody.."

"atleast.. not as much interest as he's shown you.."

hiee! author here! anywaysss i hope your having a wonderful day! how do you like this chapter? too short? im trying to make longer chapters dont worry hehe

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hiee! author here! anywaysss i hope your having a wonderful day! how do you like this chapter? too short? im trying to make longer chapters dont worry hehe..

i might not post chapters as i have school work and shit like that.. anyways.. drink some water and touch some grass, loves!

-bella signing out

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