⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚chapter 13˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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The picture above is not mine! credits to the original owner!
(time skip to Monday)

2nd person pov

Today was the day that you'd finally go to work. You were excited, but also nervous. You got up and went to the bathroom, twisting the knob as you let the warm water flow out. Once the tub was filled, you stepped in, letting out a sigh. You picked up your favorite scented body soap and shampoo and began to bathe yourself. After that, you stood up and tried yourself, walking out of the bathroom. You went towards your closet, choosing an outfit to wear.

(the outfit)

You looked at yourself in the mirror, pretty satisfied with how you looked

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You looked at yourself in the mirror, pretty satisfied with how you looked. You wore some lip tint and a bit of lipgloss, making sure not to go overboard on the makeup. You walked downstairs and saw Dojun sitting on the table. He looked up and saw you. He was already dressed up and was only waiting for you.

"Shall we go?" he asked, walking towards the front door. 

"Mhm." You responded, wrapping your arm around his. He opened the door and let you enter his car. You took a seat and watched as he took his, putting the keys in and driving off.

"Are you nervous?" He asked you.

"Kind of. It's my first time working as a secretary." You responded, looking at your hands as you tried not to let them sweat.

"You'll do great." He said bluntly. Looking out the window, you suddenly remembered someone.

'Jeong Seo Yeon'

The alpha who talked to you in the elevator. You thought about visiting her after work or in between your breaks. You smiled.

A few minutes later, you arrived at the company building. you went into the elevator with Dojun, clicking the button that lead to the 53rd floor. Once you reached your destination, you walked down the hallway and into his office, where there was another desk beside his. You sat at the desk and began to do your work.

A few minutes passed, maybe 12 to 15 minutes when someone knocked on the door. Dojun looked and said "come in" before looking back at his work. You looked at the door, only to see the woman from before.

Kim Ha Eun.

She walked up to Dojun and gave you a glare, showing off her body in that tight outfit of hers as she gave him some files.

"Here are the files you asked for, Sir." She said, flirtatiously. You weren't gonna lie, she was pretty and an omega like you but she kind of pisses you off with her bratty attitude. You seem to piss her off too. She leaves the office, giving you that look of disgust. You sigh and get back to your work, trying not to let her bother you. 

"Y/n can you organize these files for me?" Dojun asks, looking at you. You nodded and waited for him to send you the file he was talking about. You soon received a file with a list of sales from the last 11 months and it wasn't very organized though it didn't bother you that much as you simply just had to organize them. As you were organizing the files, you heard a sigh that made you turn your head. You looked at Dojun and he looks back at you, not saying a word.

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