⋆ ˚。⋆୨୧˚chapter 18˚୨୧⋆。˚ ⋆

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2nd person pov

You finished your work and saw that it was time to leave. You walked alongside Dojun to the elevator, pressing 1st floor. The silence was unbearable. Suddenly, you felt an arm slide around your hips. You looked over and saw Dojun. he was blushing as he pulled you closer to him, kissing you on the lips. Your eyes widened but you kissed back. The kiss was short but passionate, enough to calm you down. He stopped and looked into your eyes.

"Take care, y/n. See you tomorrow." He said and you smiled at him.

"Yeah, you too." You said as he removes his arm. You were kinda happy that he kissed you, but he was probably just getting used to that because you had sex with him a lot of times before already. It's okay for kisses, right? Even if he didn't feel anything towards you. The elevator door opened and you walked out, looking for Seo. She texted you, telling you that she would be In the lobby waiting for you. You saw her outside, talking to her friend. You smiled and ran towards her, wrapping your arms around her waist as you hugged her. Her eyes widened in shock.

"H-hey- Wha-" She stammered but then she recognized you and smiled warmly. She grabbed your waist and lifted you into the air, swinging you around as you spread your arms out. You laughed with her, not caring if anyone saw. She put you down after a little bit, looking into your eyes.

"Wow, I didn't know you had a girlfriend, Seo." Her friend says and you blush.

"She's not my girlfriend, she's just staying over for the night." She said and her friend smirked at her, popping his hip out.

"Well if you end up doing something, make sure to wear protection." He said and she laughed as you buried your face into your hands.

"We're not like that!" You said and she slung her arm over your shoulder.

"Yeah, knock it off or you'll scare her away." She tells her friend and her friend laughs, saying his goodbyes as he walked away. Seo looked at you and smiled.

"Shall we get going? My house isn't that far from here." She said and you nod, holding her hand in yours. It was warm. You laughed and talked to her as you made your way to her house, leaving Dojun there in the lobby as he stared at the both of you sadly and madly. He was frustrated with his feelings. He couldn't bear to see you with her. He wondered if he should just give up on you. But it's too soon, right? His feelings for you were too strong. He couldn't just give up. And then he remembered when he told you he would be Kim Ha Eun's valentine. He felt bad about that of course, but he just felt overly possessive over you and he didn't really want to show it. He goes to the parking lot, getting in his car as he drove away from the company. It felt cold without you. Even if it was just for a second, it felt awful not being able to be by your side. He sighs as he neared his home.

Meanwhile, you and Seo had been walking for about 10 minutes, the cold night's air hitting your skin. You were regretting wearing such little clothing, and it /seems you left your jacket in the office. It was too late to go and get it now as you didnt want to trouble the female alpha you were walking with. You hugged yourself, hands rubbing against your shoulders as you shivered slightly. Seo noticed this and took her coat off, putting it over you as she held your cold hand in her warm one. You felt your heart do a flip and flutter at the action. She was very sweet.

"Thank you." You said as you moved closer to her. She smiles, syncing her steps with yours. She looks up at the sky, admiring the full and bright moon. You did the same. The moon was very beautiful tonight. Unlike the other nights, it was very bright and mesmerizing.

"The moon is beautiful, isnt it?" She mutters out but you couldnt hear much.

"Hm?" You asked and she shook her head, smiling warmly at you as she told you it was nothing. You didnt belive her but thought that it was best to not push it. You continued walking with her until she pointed to a two-story house that was presumably hers.

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