Chapter one; a new captain

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Maya Bishop got woken up from her dream when her alarm went off. It was 5:30 but she already was full of energy since today would be ythe day the new Captain would be announced. Even though she knew it would be Andy she still had somewhat hope in her heart that maybe it would be her, being Captain has always been a dream of Maya ever since she was young. Ofcourse it would be weird if she would get chosen because she was terrified of what Andy would say, but she was excited and full of energy.

While she was getting lost in her own thoughts she didn't notice that it was already 6am. She finally snapped out of it and went to her bathroom. She showered and got dressed. As she went downstairs to get something to eat she checked her phone, no messages, no new calls and no emails, it was quiet which made her feel a little alone. Maya liked being alone sometimes but she didn't quite like the feeling of being lonely. She went to her kitchen and made some coffee since she would eat breakfast at the station like they always do. 

She walked oustide of her house and got into her car, it was only a 15 minute drive so it wouldn't take her long to get there. When she arrived at 6:30am almost everyone was there already. she changed into her uniform and went to the kitchen where she saw everyone having breakfast together. She took some cereal and sat down next to Andy. "Can you believe that we're finally going to know?" Andy said enthousiastic. "Know what?" Maya answered while eating her cereal. "I sometimes really think you live on another planet. Who the new captain is going to be ofcourse." And right when Andy said that Sullivan walked into the room and everyone got quiet. It stayed quiet for a minute and Sullivan was just looking everyone up and down in the room, until finally Sullivan started to speak 

"So as you all know, I'm here to announce who the new Captain of Station 19 will be.  Herrera, Gibson and Bishop will you please stand up. Maya didn't quite get why she had to stand up since she was not in the run for Captain. She saw the same confusion on the faces of Andy and Jack, but she still stood up afraid yet excited about what is going to happen. "Please keep in mind that this was not an easy descision to make. I chose the new Captain based on who I would think would do best in stressful situations and under pressure." Maya looked at Andy who quickly look at the ground. "Bishop, congratulations, you will be our new Captain of Station 19." Maya was frozen to the ground, this couldn't be real.

 "Sir, I." But she got cut off by Andy. "Sir, I have to say this but Maya wasn't even in the race for Captain, she didn't have to do everything Jack and I did, this is not fair." Andy glanced at Maya with a look mixed with disbelief, dissapointment and a lot of anger. "Herrera, I chose Bishop and that is not going to change." Maya who was still frozen to the ground could not believe what just happened. Andy stormed away and with her, the rest followed. What was she going to do now? Everyone knew the job would be Andy's. 

Sullivan chose her, and as she was standing there still in shock and disbelief, a part of her was proud of herself. She had to make this work, whatever it would take.

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