Chapter eighteen : self care sessions

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It was 5:29pm when Maya and Andy arrived at Joe's. They took place at a table in the corner of the bar and Andy went to order some drinks. Maya was looking around, not knowing what exactly she was looking for. Andy came back with three beers. "Andy, as you may know, it's just the two of us. Why do you have three beers?" Maya asked. "Thought you could use it after today." Andy handed the two bottles to Maya and sat down.

There was a long moment of silence before Andy finally started to speak. "Maya, are you okay?" She carefully asked. "Yes, why wouldn't I be?" Maya was still looking around the bar, seeing a lot of familiar faces. "I don't know, but you know, because of what happened at the station today. We were just teasing you. We didn't-" but before Andy could finish her sentence Maya cut her off. "I already told you that I don't want to talk about it. I just made some things clear and that's it." Andy sighed, she knew something was wrong but she also knew Maya, and she knew that pushing her to talk would only make it worse.

"Do you want another beer?" Maya stood up from her chair ready to order some more. "Nah, I think I am going to head home." Andy now also stood up and put her coat back on. "Oh, yeah alright. I'll see you tomorrow." Maya answered. "See you tomorrow Captain." Maya got up from her seat and walked up to the bar, she was still deciding on what to get when someone tapped her on the shoulder.

"Hey Captain!" Maya turned around and Amelia's face was inches away from hers, she pulled back a little and answered loudly. "Hi Amelia, how are you?" "I'm great, how are you?" Amelia stood next to her and waved to Joe to let him know she wanted to order. "I'm okay." Maya looked at Amelia's outfit, she knew that if Amelia was alone she'd be wearing her regular outfit, but tonight she was wearing a more classy outfit. "Are you alone?" Maya asked Amelia. "Oh no." Amelia turned around and pointed her finger towards a table in the back. "I'm here with some friends from the hospital. You know what? Let me buy you a drink and join us!!"

A few minutes later Maya had gone to the table with Amelia. "Everyone, this is Captain Bishop, some of you may know her." Maya went around the table to meet everyone. "Bishop, it was right?" "Yes, Maya Bishop. And you are?" "Oh I'm Owen, Owen hunt. I'm chief of trauma." After saying hello to everyone she takes place at the seat that was left.

"Hey Maya, you want another drink?" It was already 10pm, they had been laughing and chatting without even once looking at the time, and that was a sign that Maya was really having a fun time. "Yes, but i'll come help you!" Maya yelled back. She walked up to the bar alongside Owen. "4 beers, 2 whiskey's and 1 glass of water please." Maya had always admired Amelia for staying sober. She couldn't imagine what it must be like. "Hey Bishop, you still here?" Owen was looking directly at Maya. "Yeah, I was just thinking about something." Owen turned around so his back was leaning against the counter. "About what?" He asked. Maya had to think about it because to be honest there were a thousand thoughts going through her mind right now. "About life." She answered.

Maya and Owen both went back to the table with the drinks, Maya had given everyone their drinks and the only thing she was holding was Amelia her glass of water, she walked over to her. "Here Amelia." She handed the glass to her. "Thank you!" Amelia smiled. "Isn't he cute?" Amelia whispered. "Who?" Maya asked curiously. "Owen, duh? He's such a gentleman." Maya looked in Owen's direction, their eyes met and Owen gave her the biggest smile ever. "Oh, he's totally into you." Amelia laughed. "Wait what? No Amelia, no." Maya turned her head to Amelia, And she turned her head to Maya. "He totally is, look at him smiling! Go up to him, talk some, and just invite him over!" "Amelia, I can't do that, I have work in the morning!" She snapped. "Then go up to him, and instead of talking, just directly invite him over! I've never heard you say no to a self care session." Maya laughed.

Before she knew it, her legs were already walking into his direction, he came closer. "Are you okay?" He smiled and he came closer, because how later the evening got, how louder the music. "I kind of want to go home." She said teasingly. "Oh, yeah I understand, you can go if you want. That's okay." He took a step back, but Maya did a step closer again. "I want to go home, but I want to take you with me." She bit her lip and stared into his eyes. "I, I mean yeah, I'd love too." He grabbed his jacket and said goodnight to the rest. Maya grabbed her jacket and walked behind Owen, she turned around and threw a thumbs up to Amelia, who smiled and raised her glass. Here's to self care sessions, Maya thought.

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