chapter seventeen : We're not a thing

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"And then here you have the kitchen, this is where we eat breakfast and cook together sometimes." Maya walked over to the fridge. "Do you want a drink?" Carina sat down at the table on one of the chairs. "Si, a glass of water is good, thank you." Maya walked over with two glasses of water and chose the chair next to Carina. "Let me taste one of those cookies." Carina opened the container where the cookies where in and gave Maya a cookie. At that moment Jack came into the kitchen. "Dr. Deluca, surprise seeing you here. Does Bishop have a secret girlfriend?" He said with a smile on his face.

How did Jack know Carina? And why on earth would he think she is my girlfriend? "You guys know each other?" Maya asked while she raised an eyebrow. "Well know is a big word, but we've seen each other a few times. She mentors Jo, so we have run into each other at times yes." Jack goes to the fridge and gets a sparkling water. "Si, we have seen each other a few times." "And no, she's not a secret girlfriend, I'm straight remember, Jack?" Carina felt like saying something, but she didn't know wheter she would or not. There was a moment of silence before Andy came into the kitchen as well. "Bishop, who's this?" "Andy meet Dr. Carina Deluca, Carina meet LT. Andy Herrera." 

"Oh a Doctor? What are you doing here? Unless Maya has a new lover I don't know of." Andy giggles, just teasing Maya. Maya jumped up from her chair and was now yelling. "HOW MANY TIMES? I AM STRAIGHT." Carina was shocked Maya actually yelled at her team. "Maya..." Carina started to say but Maya cut her off. "No-" She started yelling again. "I AM NOT A COUPLE WITH CARINA. I AM STRAIGHT AND I WILL NEVER FEEL ANYTHING FOR HER LIKE THAT." Carina started to feel her heart shatter. She was still holding the box of cookies while trying to hold back her tears.

Carina kind of clumsy stood up, trying to hold it together. "I'm sorry" is all that she said while she almost sprinted out of the station. Somewhere inside she knew the possibility was there that Maya didn't feel the things Carina felt for her, but she would not have expected a reaction like this, to just some teasing from her team. Clearly this was a sensitive topic. Carina was a sensitive topic. Carina took a deep breathe and tried to control herself from not falling apart.

Maya on the other hand was still feeling a lot of anger and adrenaline from her screaming just now. A minute ago, she was still laughing with Carina, and in just a minute the whole situation turned around and now Carina was gone. Does she run after her? No that will just look even more like they are " a thing" which they weren't and Maya thinks she made that very clear. Andy and Jack have a surprised look on their face, The rest of the team joined to ask what just happened. 

Carina just got into her car and drove off as soon as she could. She was only 10 minutes away from home but had to pull over. She parked her car on the side of a road and just started crying uncontrollably. She took her phone and she saw that it was 4:15pm which meant that Gabriella would be at her house in 15 minutes. She wiped her tears away and turned her car back on. She drove home in auto-pilot, it didn't feel like she was driving, or doing anything basically. She parked her car on the street and took her keys in her hand. She walked over the the front door and that's when she heard Gabriella. "Hey, I've been screaming at you since you got out your car." Carina looked up into Gabriella's eyes and immediatly started crying again. 

Everyone at this point gathered around Maya, all asking what happened. Maya started to get annoyed so she just simply walked away and the minute she got into her office, she locked the door and went in the little bedroom that was in her office. she closed the door and sat down on the bed. She felt her blood still heavily racing through her veins because of the adrenaline, but according to her, she said nothing wrong. She just made clear that she is straight.

"Let's get you inside, Carina." Gabriella wrapped her arm around Carina and took the keys out of her hand so she could open the door. Gabriella unlocked the door and they walked inside. "Shtt, it's okay Carina, here sit down, I'l get you uh some wine and tissues." Carina couldn't get a word out, she just kept crying, like it was the end of the world. "Okay, here is a glass of wine." Gabriella said while handing it to her. "And here is a box of tissues." Gabriella came to sit down next to Carina and started rubbing her back. "No what on earth happened? Did you drive into someone? Unexpected shift at work? Your new lover who broke your heart?" When Gabriella said the last possibility Carina looked at her and started crying even more. "Okay, so it's te new lover. Got that." 

All of the sudden Maya woke up. She didn't even know she fell asleep, but she did. She takes her phone of the little table next to the bed and looks at the time. To her surprise it's already 5pm, she gets up and walks back to the door of her office, she unlocks it and goes into the kitchen. "Maya..." She hears Andy say when she walks in. "Please don't, I just want to finish my paper work and then go for a drink." Maya answers quietly. "Can I join? Not to talk or anything, it's been a long day and I could use a drink." Andy gets up from her chair and puts her glass in the sink. "Yeah sure, you know what? I'll just come into work early tomorrow and finish the paper work then, let's go." They both get to the locker room to change and get ready for drinks at Joe's.

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