Chapter six : sober confessions

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*"You're scaring me Carina. Did something happen or?"* Gabrielle sounded genuinely scared.

* "No nothing happened, it's just, Can I see you? I really need to talk to you." * Carina had trouble keeping her tears away from rolling over her face. 

*"Yeah no ofcourse, meet me in about 30 minutes at the park, okay? I got you Carina."* 

Gabrielle always knew how to calm Carina down. She made some coffee for on the way to the park and walked into the direction of the park. The park was only a ten minute walk from her house so it didn't take her too long before she arrived. She sat down on the bench Gabriella and Carina always sat on, because it had the prettiest view at the lake. She felt the nerves getting stronger every second. She wasn't ashamed that she liked girls, she was just nervous to tell Gabriella because she was raised very catholic and her parents did not fear to talk bad about people from the LGBTQ – community.

After ten more minutes of Carina sitting at the bench, she felt her heart sink into her shoes, maybe she shouldn't tell Gabriella. "Hello? I have been waving at you for like forever, you look so lost in your mind." Gabriella came out of nowhere, she was right Carina indeed got lost in her own mind. "I'm sorry I was just thinking about some things." Carina answered. "Okay so I'm here, now please tell me what is going on in that beautiful and genius mind of yours." Gabriella took Carina's hand. 

"Okay so, I've done a lot of thinking and exploring. And I think it's time to tell you something. I have been dreading this moment because I didn't know how you would react and if you would be mad or dissapointed or that you would hate me and-" the words flew out of her mouth like a speedtrain. "Carina, please calm down. Nothing you ever do or say will make me hate you, you understand that?" Gabriella said, reassuring Carina. "I'm just going to spit it out, do you remember that one night where we played truth or dare and I chose dare and I had to kiss you?" Carina asked with tears in her eyes. "Yeah, I remember that night, we were pretty wasted." Gabriella laughed. Carina felt the tears rolling over her face now. "Well when I kissed you, I felt something. I felt passion and fire and softness and -" Carina was now crying, every tears she had was falling, she couldn't speak anymore. "And you like girls? Right?" Gabriella asked Carina in the softest voice she had ever heard.

Carina could not bring out a single word so she nodded. "I know Carina, I've known for a long time, I was just giving you the time you needed to accept it yourself. I wanted you to tell me and I'm really glad you did." Gabriella smiled at her, she took Carina's face in her hands "We have been friends almost our entire lives, and that will never change." Gabrielle gave Carina a kiss on her forehead, something Carina's mamma used to do when she was younger to calm her down, ever since Carina's mamma passed away, Gabriella took the habbit over and started doing it when Carina was anxious or sad. "So you don- you don't hate me?" Carina sobbed. "Ofcourse not silly. Carina, you are my best friend, the sister I never had. You never left my side and I'm not planning to leave yours. I want you to be happy whatever it takes, okay?" Gabriella hugged Carina and they sat there, for a while, looking at the lake and enjoying each other's company.

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