Chapter seven ; those brown eyes

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Maya and her team where on their way back to the station, they put out the fire and everything went good. Maya was sitting next to Jack. "Hey Jack, I know I was a little rude earlier and I would like to make it up to you. Drinks at Joe's tonight? I'll pay." Maya hoped he would say yes so they could talk since they haven't really talked to each other after Maya was named Captain. "Yeah sure, we can go for a couple drinks with the team." Jack answered while focusing on the road. It was not the reaction Maya had hoped for. "I was thinking – maybe we could go with just the two of us." Maya asked carefully. No one liked it when Jack would drive, they said that Jack drives like a maniac, but Maya would always feel such a deep feeling of safety when Jack would drive, the way he focused on the road. "Oh, yeah no we can do that. I'll meet you at Joe's after our shift." He turned his head and smiled at Maya, she felt like a kid in a candy store.

When they arrived back at the station everyone was so tired since they just had done a 24 hour shift, but Maya was still full of energy since she would go drink something with Jack,thiking about it, her heart made little jumps. "You have all done excellent work today. And thank you for trusting me and my descissions." Maya said to the team, she started to feel a little more confident now. "We don't trust you Maya, but you are our Captain so we have to go along with it." Andy yelled while walking away. Maya was starting to get really tired of Andy's words so she followed Andy to the locker room. "Andy, I know you're mad at me, I get it okay, but that doesn't mean you get to talk to me like that." She looked right into Andy's eyes since Andy turned around now. "Maya, you were my best friend and my number one supporter, I just don't get it. I absolutely don't get how you could steal MY job without even talking to me." She said with tears in her eyes. Seeing Andy like that broke Maya's heart, but she was so upset with everything she has said these past days that she wanted to take all her anger out on Andy. "Andy I didn't know, I was as surprised as you." they both shook their heads. "Just drop it Maya, I get it." Andy turned back around and walked away. "Bishop, are you ready?" the words from Jack waked her up from her thoughts. "Yeah I'm coming!" she giggled, she couldn't hide the smile on her face.

It was so crowed in Joe's bar that it took them a while before Jack and Maya finally found a place where they could sit. Every table was taken and you couldn't even hear the music anymore. "So what did you wanted to talk about"? Jack was almost yelling now. "I wanted to apologize for earlier today, I shouldn't have reacted like that when you were only concerned about me, I'm sorry." Maya said."Maya it's okay, I understand. It must be very hard for you right now, I just wanted you to know that I'm here whenever you need a friend." Jack runned his fingers through his hair, but the only thing maya heard was "friend". Was she only a friend to Jack? Was there nothing more for him? "A friend?" She asked hesitating. "Yeah, a friend. What alse did you think?" but by the look in Maya's eyes he knew what she thought. "Oh Maya, you know I love you, but you are one of my best friends and I'm seeing someone right now. You are an amazing and kind person, anyone would be lucky to have you, but, I just don't see you in that way, you know?" He took her hand and held it tightly. "It's okay Jack, I don't know what I was thinking honestly. It's okay, you'll always be my best friend." She felt the tears started to form in her eyes. "So you're seeing someone? Tell me about her!" She quickly rubbed the tears away when Jack didn't look for a second. "Well, she's really sweet and caring. She's passionate and works at the hospital. It's Jo, I'm seeing Jo. And she will be off shift in 10 minutes, and she'll spend the night at mine and we'll cook and watch movies together." He smiled. Maya has never seen Jack smile this bright. He sounds geniune about her. "You should go! I have never heard you say those things about someone as geniune as you did right now." 

Even though Maya was heart, her heart was happy for Jack, for finally finding someone who brought out the best of him. "Are you sure? Because I can call her and say I'll be a little later?" She knew that he had to go, she didn't want him to lose everything just like she did. "No jack seriously, GO! I'll be okay." And just like that, Jack stood up, hugged Maya and left with the biggest smile she has ever seen on his face. And there she was, all alone again, until she heard a familiar voice, a voice she would recognize everywhere no matter what. She looked around and found herself stuck in those brown eyes she had seen before. 

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