Chapter two; a fresh start

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After five minutes and taking a lot of breaths, it was time for Maya to go to the team and say something about her being the new Captain, even though she was petrified of what they will all think and say she had to say something. She walked out of the kitchen and called for a line up. After a minute no one showed up, something she could have seen coming. She didn't notice Sullivan standing behind her. "You have to yell it louders Bishop, I learned that when no one showed up to my line ups when I called for them." He said, he came to stand next to her. "Sir, I, why did you pick me? We all thought the job was Andy's. I just, I don't want to ruin the friendship I have with them." Maya said anxiously. "I picked you Bishop, because I know you do well under pressure, I know you can handle stressful moments, you always show up when needed and you are one of the best firefighters this station has."

Hearing those words she got some confidence back. "Line up everyone, now!!" This time she yelled louder. "And that's how you yell like a Captain, Bishop." Sullivan said while laughing. The rest of the station started to show and lined up. Maya walked towards them and started speaking the words no one else dared to say. "I know that this is unexpected for everyone, it sure was for me. But I want you to know that I will do everything in my power to be a good Captain and to run this Station like it used to. I hope that you can all have at least some peace with the descision Sullivan made so we can work together like a team. Does anyone have any questions?" Maya might be speaking with a lot of confidence right now, her hands were still shaking and her voice started to tremble a little.

"I do, Why did you accept the job? You knew how much I wanted it and how much I deserved it, yet you still just took it. Kind of shows what kind of person you are." Andy said angrily. "Yeah I agree with Andy, what you did was unacceptable Bishop." Jack answered. Maya felt her like the whole room was moving so fast yet she was standing still in the moment. Everyone started talking and Maya didn't know what to do or say, so she walked away into her office. She was so angry yet so sad that she wanted to break everything that was in this stupid office. She took a couple of books and right when she threw the books in the direction of the door, Sullivan came through the door. The books slapped against his face. "I see you're coping well with being Captain." he said jokingly. "Oh I'm so sorry, do you need some ice for your face?" She asks quickly. "No it's okay, the pain will go away. What's happening, why were you throwing my books at me?" He said with a rather serious face.

"I don't know if I can do it Sullivan, the whole being Captain thing. I just walked away from the team and as a Captain I shouldn't be doing that, I should be there, talking to them, but I couldn't. I don't understand how you did it. We were aweful to you and you always knew what to do and what to say." She sat down and just stared to the floor she didn't know how to talk to the team now that she became Captain. "It takes time, and you will feel alone, but don't do what I did, try to be socially included, but you still are their boss. You need to take back the confidence I know you have and go back out there." He gave Maya a pat on the shoulder and walked away. Maya knew that she had to get back out there even though she was really dreading to do so.

While Maya walked back to the team, the team was still talking about her. Once they saw Maya they all went quiet and just stared at her. "You may not like it, but I am your boss from now on, so you will listen to me and respect me as your Captain. I did not chose for this, but it happened and we all have to live with it, we have to be a team in order to work good." She looked at them all one by one and when she finished speaking she walked away.

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