Chapter sixteen : surprise

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It was 4:32am When Carina woke up, she didn't get much sleep because she couldn't stop thinking about the blonde. It has been a few weeks since their cookie "date" and they hung out every moment the both of them were free. She had developed serious feelings for the blonde but was too scared to tell her. Something about Maya made her feel special, safe and loved. Loved like she had never felt before. Before she met Maya, love was just a word.

She changed into some cozy clothes since she had a day off, maybe later she could go to the station to surprise Maya. She went downstairs and made coffee. Meanwhile she put the tv on to watch the news. Carina took her cup of coffee and sat down on the couch, suddenly her phone rang and she got surprised by it that it took her until the last ring to pick up. It was Garbiella. "Hey Gabriella." She put the phone next to her and put the speaker on. "Oh, so you are alive?" Gabriella giggled on the other side of the phone.

"Yes ofcourse I am, why did you say that?" Carina sighed. "Well I haven't heard from you in a couple weeks, I tried calling, texting. I even emailed you Carina." Because Carina spent every single free moment with Maya, she forgot to reply to Gabriella. "Oh Gabriella, I'm so sorry, I forgot to reply, I was so busy and I- yeah." There was a moment of silence until Carina finished her sentence. "I met someone."  

"Everytime Carina!" Gabriella yelled on the other end of the phone. It was so loud Carina had hold the phone further away. "Everytime what?" Carina yelled back. "Everytime you meet someone you never tell me anything! I want to know all the details from the start!" Carina giggled. "Are you on your way to work?" Carina asked Gabriella. "Oh, no I'm just driving around at 4:45 in the morning for fun? What do you think silly?" She heard Gabriella swear in italian, probably at other driver's, she always does that. "It's early okay? Well maybe you can come over later so we can catch up? What time do you get off, because I have some plans today." 

"I get off at 4, so I'll be there at 4:30, if that's okay." Carina took her phone and stood up from the couch and walked over to her bathroom. "Yeah that's okay, I'll see you then." She said while turning on the shower. "Okay, ciao bella." Gabriella ended the call. Carina stepped in the shower and felt the warm water flow over her body, this felt so good. After 30 minutes she finally got out of the shower and stood for her closet deciding what to wear.

After 15 minutes of debating and changing endlessly, she put on some blue jeans and a light pink sweater. She decided to put her hair in a braid and she then put on socks. She walked back to her kitchen and made herself another cup of coffee, she started to feel tired because she woke up so early. Once her coffee was ready she took the cup and walked to her couch, she sat back and took her book that she was reading, it was a book about a muder mystery but soon after opening the book, her eyes started closing and she fell asleep.

When Carina woke up again it was 9:19am, she got up from the couch and still, even though it was cold, she finished her coffee. She tuned the tv off and put her shoes on, it was still early but Maya would be at the station since she started at 7 this morning. She took some cookies out of her cabinet and took her car keys and left the house. It would only take her 20 minutes to get to the station if there wouldn't be any traffic. 

After what felt like a long drive she finally got to the station. Carina parked her car and walked over to the entry of the building. She walked inside but saw no one. She walked to the front desk where a lady was sitting at. "Hi, can you tell me where I can find Captain Bishop?" The lady looked up to Carina and answered. "Captain Bishop is on a call right now, you can wait for her or I can give a message to her." 

"It's okay, I'll wait." Carina put her hands in her coat and walked over the seating area to wait until Maya came back. After almost an hour she finally heard a voice that sounded like Maya's. Carina quickly got up from the chair, made sure her hair was still in place and held the cookies tightly. She peaked around the corner and saw Maya walking behind her team, she looked magical. She saw Maya coming closer to the corner Carina was behind and Carina felt her legs getting weak, not in a sensual way, but in a scared way. She had no idea how Maya would react to Carina surprising her at the station.

Carina was so lost in her mind that she didn't even notice Maya standing in front of her. "Carina! Hi! What are you doing here? Are you okay?" Maya took carina's arms and lead her to Maya's office. "I uh, I brought cookies, I figured you might like them." Carina was looking at the ground when she handed Maya the cookies. "Thank you, that's so kind! C'mon I'll show you around!" She took Carina's hand and walked out of the office again. 

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