Chapter 11

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(I'm just going to do Dan's POV from now on, I only wrote in Phil's POV once.)

"Will you be my boyfriend?"

I still taste his mouth in mine, and even though its freezing cold, I feel my face get warm. The rain pours down on us, and he gives me a warm smile.

"Yes," I hug him, and pull him into another kiss. This time my tongue explores his mouth, and we get strange looks from people walking by.

"I'm carrying you home, I don't care." Phil beams, a wide smile on his face.

"No, Phil you don't- OH MY GOD PHIL!" He whisps me off my feet, into his arms. "Phil?!!"

He moves his arms a bit and I wrap my arms around his neck, smiling into his shoulder. I breathe in his sweet raspberry scent, keeping my eyes shut.

He carries me all the way to my front door, where he carefully sets me down at the step. He stares at me for a long time, taking in all my features, and I do the same to him. A new couple, seeing the light of the new world we are exploring together.

"Be careful, its late. Please take a taxi." I am actually quite worried, Phil is very attractive, and he seems like someone that would be preyed upon.

"I will, go get some rest Dan. We can hang out tomorrow if you'd like." He snakes his arms around my waist and smirks before passionately kissing me again. He could kiss me a thousand times, I'll never get tired of it.

He breaks away, and we say our final goodbyes before he takes out his phone to call a cab.

I open the door, "Mum! I'm home!!!" I shout, but looking around I see no sight of her. I close the door behind me and start to remove my jacket. "Mum?!"

Nothing seems to have moved, there still aren't any dishes in the sink except for my cereal bowl. I walk over to her room and knock, "Mum? Are you awake?"

I cautiously grab the extra key from above the door and unlock it. I struggle with the door knob for a moment before finally opening it, sighing as I see no sign of my mum, but a horrible stench I'm the air. I see wine and champagne bottles littering the room, and several empty pill bottles on her bed. "Mum?" I squeak out.

I walk around to the other side of her bed and almost pass out.

My mum lies there on the floor, pale faced and lifeless. She's wearing a beautiful white dress and has her hair curled, spread around her.

I fall onto the floor, my eyes filled with tears. "MUM?!" I crawl to her side and pound on her chest, attempting CPR. "MUM WAKE UP!!!" I scream at her, feeling hot tears pour onto my cold cheeks. I collapse onto her, screaming and crying. "WAKE UP!!!" I move her shoulders with my shaky hands. "Please," I whisper, having lost my voice. She's gone. No, she can't be. She's here! She's alive! Its all a terrible dream! Phil was a dream, its not real.

I wipe my eyes and look around, barely being able to move. By a pill bottle on her bed, I see a pink piece of paper. I slowly move myself towards it and read the beautiful writing.


     I certainly hope it's you reading this. I'm so sorry, I had to leave. I know that life will be worse for you now, that both your parents are gone. But your father is still alive, I'm afraid you'll most likely have to live with him.

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