Chapter 10

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I wake up and wipe the sleep from my eyes, then grab some jeans to change into. I walk downstairs, stumbling a few times on the steps.

"Mum?" I call as I walk into the kitchen. I open a cupboard and grab some cereal, calling for her again. I peek around the corner, and see that her bedroom door is closed. She's probably asleep.

I eat my cereal, and as I have nothing to do, I find myself upstairs calling Phil again.

"Hello, Dan."

"Sorry I called so early.."

"It isn't too bad." He wipes his eyes and yawns, smiling weakly at me.

"Did I wake you up?" I feel guilt flood through me immediately. Why did I have to call him? "I'm so sorry, Phil. I didn't mean to..."

"Its okay! It really is. Would you like to hang out with me today?"

"Yes- er, um, sure, if you want to."

"Okay," He laughs, "How about we... Go see a movie?"

"Perfect! Shall we meet at the cinema?"
"Yeah, I'll see you there."


I smile to myself, and shut my laptop. Its practically a date. Couples go to see movies all the time, maybe people will think we are in a relationship...

I put on one of my nicer shirts, hoping to impress Phil. It has some color on it, and while I hate color, this shirt isn't too bad.

I grab my wallet and start to walk. The sun shines through the trees, it seems like a perfect day already! The weather is nice, there isn't any paparazzi, which is amazing, and I'm going on a date- well, not a date- with Phil.

Twenty minutes later, I open the doors to the cinema and see Phil sitting on a chair near the entrance.

He stands up and hugs me. "What would you like to watch?"

"What's playing?"

"Um, nothing too interesting... Oh! There's a horror movie-"



"I hate horror!" I shove my hands into my pockets and he laughs.

"Unless you'd like to watch SpongeBob or some cheap action movie, that's our only choice. And, its playing in thirty minutes. Or... We could watch it at night."

I ponder the thought for a moment. Phil and I, in the dark. "How late?"

"11:30. Its been out for a while, though. We might be the only ones watching."

That's even better. "Okay, fine. But only for immersion purposes." I lie. "What do we do until then?"

"We can go to dinner, take a walk, hang around at my house.."

"Okay, sounds good. Let's go to your house?"

A while later, we sit on his floor playing Mario Kart. He keeps falling off the edge, and each time he does, I laugh. He is so bad at this game, even worse than I am! I thought I couldn't play, but he brings failing to a whole new level!

I get first place for about the millionth time, and he throws his controller. "I give up! My best was fourth place and we've been playing for-" He looks at his phone, "Four hours!"

"Really? That long?"

"Yes!" He chuckles, his tongue sticking out of the side of his mouth. "Do you want to do something else?"

I look back at his bed and sigh to myself. I seriously need to stop doing that. "We can go out to eat now, I guess. How long will it take us?"

"Well, with the place I have in mind, it will probably take... An hour and a half before we are sitting at a table."

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