dinner party part 1

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"y/n! Come on we're gonna be late!!" Hellie shouts from the bottom of the stairs to you. "One more minute!!" You shout back. Today your going round Sandra bullock's for a dinner party and hellies hormones have been all over the place so that causes the both of you to have little arguements here and there. Hellies 7 months pregnant and gets angry or upset at the littlest things but then she apologizes and treats you with hugs and kisses so it's not to bad. This is one of the days where hellies hormones are quite bad.

"Y/n come on!!" Hellie shouts another minute later. You roll your eyes and go downstairs.

Your outfit:

Your outfit:

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"Finallyyy!" Hellie says and lifts her leg up for you to tie her shoes

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"Finallyyy!" Hellie says and lifts her leg up for you to tie her shoes. "Shoes please" she says pouting. You giggle and bend down to tie her shoes. You help her into the car and start the engine. "Jesus can't people drive properly?!!" You say annoyed sighing.

"Y/n darling calm down, you really need to sought your road rage out" hellie says putting her hand on your thigh. "I'm sorry but these wankers don't know how to fucking drive" you say annoyed and keep driving.

You get to a red light and it goes green but the car Infront don't move. "Go, go, go...I bet their old I bet their old" you say and overtake them and look at the person. "Thier old!" You shout and laugh.

Hellie rolls her eyes and laughs airly. You finally arrive at Sandra's and you help hellie out the car. You knock on Sandy's door and she opens it with a smile. "Y/n! Helena! Come in!" Sandy says happily and greets you both with a hug.

You both go outside and your greeted by Cate blanchett, Sarah Paulson and you see Jennifer Aniston!! This couldn't get any better. You let go of hellies waist and run up to Jen, she hugs you and you hug her back tightly. "Yeah okay leave your pregnant girlfriend! That's fine!" Hellie says walking over to Cate and Sarah and Thier both laughing.

"Jenny your here!! I haven't seen you in ages" you say sitting down on a table next to Helena and Jen. "I know! Sandy thought that I could surprise you" Jen said laughing. "Jen good to see you again!" Hellie says uncrossing your legs and sitting on your lap.

You wrap your arms around her waist and rest them on her bump stroking it slightly. "Wait how long have you two been together now" Cate says taking a sip of coke. "Uhm about two years" Helena says and you nod.

Sandy, Sarah and Helena go into the kitchen probably to cook something or get more drink, leaving just you, Cate and Jen.

"I feel bad y/n, I spent one day with her the other week and I was ready to kill her. I'm telling you her hormones are awlful" Cate says and you all laugh

"Jesus tell me about it, according to her I only have ten minutes to get ready in the morning before she starts shouting my name 20 times from the bottom of the stairs" you reply and laugh again. Then hellie comes back into the garden

"What are you guys laughing about" hellie asks and sits on your lap again. "N-nothing honey" you say and Cate bursts into laughter causing you and Jen to laugh aswell. "What!?" Hellie says pouting. "Y/n if you want to live to see our child I suggest you tell me" hellie says looking at you. You look at Cate and jen and Thier trying to hold in Thier laughs. "See what I mean" you say and join in the laughter.

A few hours later your with Sarah discussing work and Helena comes over to you. "You okay darling?" You ask hellie and pull her into your lap. "The baby is moving so muchhhh" hellie says and puts your hand on her stomach so you can feel it. "It's because they can't wait to come out and meet their beautiful mama" you say and smile. "Awhh your adorable thank you" hellie says and smiles.

"I was talking about me actually" you say and hellie opens her mouth wide and stands up pretending to be offended. Sarah laughs and hellie walks away. "Here she goes again" Cate says. "You should probably go to her y/n" Sarah says while laughing.

"Wish me luck" you say and walk over to hellie. "Babyyy" you say and wrap your arms around her. "I was only joking, I bet the baby's estatic to meet their beautiful mama...and I'm not talking about me this time" you day trying not to laugh.

"Hmm I accept your apology" hellie says and kisses you. "I love you" you say and kiss her again. "I love you too" hellie says and you walk back to the rest of the gang.

A/N sorry I haven't updated I've had my head stuck in a book😭)

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