one happy family

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The midwife comes back in and so does the doctor. (Oh and I forgot to mention, y/n has a broken hand because of hellie squeezing it but hellie hasn't realised yet)

"How is everyone?" The doctor says all happily. "Were good!" Hellie says still looking at the baby. "That's amazing! How's your hand y/n?" He asks you. "It's doing okay!" You say and hellie looks at you confused. "What do you mean? Oh!" Hellie says looking at the cast on your hand.

The doctor and midwife leave after making sure everything is okay and they said you can go home this evening. "How did that happen?!" Hellie says reffering to your hand. "Oh it um, it dosent matter" you tell her and she raises her eyebrow.

"You just squeezed a little hard when you gave birth but it's fine" you say and smile at her. "Omg I did that?!" Hellie says and puts the baby into her hospital baby bed thingy. "Come here" hellie says and you walk over to her.

"I'm sorry darling I didn't know I did that, I'm really sorry" hells said and you kiss her. "It's fine, aslong as your okay" you tell her and she kisses you again. You lay in the hospital bed next to hellie and cuddle for a while until you can be released from the hospital.

You help hellie stand up and while she gets ready and freshens up you change the baby into a cute baby grow.

You help hellie stand up and while she gets ready and freshens up you change the baby into a cute baby grow

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(Photo from Pinterest)

"Oh my god she's so fricking adorable!! She's so tiny!!" You say in a high pitch voice. Hellie chuckles and stands next to you. "I know! She's so cute, she has your eyes" hellie says and you raise an eyebrow and laugh.

"I know that's not possible but she does!" You both laugh and you put the baby in the car seat. You strap her in and lift the car seat on the bed. You get all of hellies stuff back into the bag and you hold the car seat and hellies hand as you check out of the hospital and walk to the car.

You put the car seat in the back seat and make sure it's secure. You turn the engine on and start driving back home. "Darling we still need to pick a name for our little munchkin" you say to hellie and she puts her hand on your thigh.

"What about..Sofia?" Hellie says and looks at you. "I love that name!...she does look like a Sofia.." you say happily. Hellie leans over and kisses your cheek.

Once you get home you help hellie out of the car and carry the car seat inside the nursery. Hellie comes up behind you and snakes her arms around your waist leaning her head on your shoulder. You smile at her and kiss her forehead.

You put Sofia down in her cot and turn around so your facing hellie. You kiss hells and you both pull away. You peck her lips again and turn on the baby monitor. You pull the nursery door to so it dosent shut fully and you and hellie make your way downstairs.

"What do you want for dinner pet?" Helena calls to you from the kitchen. "I'll make something hellie you rest" you say and put your phone down on the couch, you get up and walk to hellie in the kitchen.

"It's fine I'll make it baby" hells tells you and you shake your head. "Darling you've done enough for now, you just gave birth to our daughter go and rest I've got everything covered" you say and hellie sighs and sits down at the table.

"How about stir fry?" You say and she nods. You chop up some veggies and some cook the Noodles. You finish everything up and put a plate down Infront of hellie whole kissing her.

"When does Sofia need a feed again?" You ask her before taking a bite of your food. "Well she needs to be fed every 3 hours and it's 7 o'clock so she will wake up about 10ish and I'll feed her then" hellie says and you nod. "Looks like we're not getting any sleep for a longgg time" you say and you both laugh.

"You know hellie, I'm so proud of you, and I know I keep saying it but it's true, you gave me our little girl and I love you both so much" you say and hellie tears up. "Oh you emotional woman come over here" you say and chuckle. "She sits on your lap and you wrap your arms around her.

"I love you" you tell her and she wipes her tears. "I love you too" she says and you share a passionate kiss with nothing but love..

(A/N please give me some requests!!)

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