to protect you

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Today was a wrap up party for hellies movie, sweeney todd, she wanted you to come with her as the director for the movie was Tim. You were a bit worried about it but you let it pass.

You had to leave at 5 so hellie was in your shared room getting ready while you was on the bed feeding Sofia already ready. "Okay how about this dress?" Hellie says holding up a red dress. "That would look lovely darling" you answer and she smiles and nods. A few minutes later hellie walks out the bathroom and your mouth falls open.

 A few minutes later hellie walks out the bathroom and your mouth falls open

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"Holy shit" you say and she giggles. "So I'm guessing you like it then?" Hells says. "I love it!" You say and you both laugh. You finish feeding Sofia and a knock is at the door. "I'll get it, it will be my mum" she says and you nod.

Soon Elena walks up while your putting Sofia back into the cot. "Hey!" You say giving her a hug. "Hi dear! You both look wonderful" Elena says and you both thank her. You say bye and you get in the car with hells.

"You excited?" You ask hellie and she nods. "Yeah I am, bit nervous about Tim though.." she says and you nod in understanding. "I know honey but I'll be there you will be fine I promise" you say and kiss her hand. You finally get to where the party is and you go to Johnny. You and Mr Depp has been great friends and you've worked in multiple movies together.

"Hello!!" He says giving you and hug and he repeats with hellie. "Hii! The movie was great you guys!" You say and Ed comes up to you three. "Well we enjoyed filming it" Johnny says. Soon hellie goes off and talks to more people.

You sit and chat with Ed. After about an hour you remember about Helena and you ask people if they have seen her. They all respond no and your nerves rise. "Hey Johnny have you seen Helena anywhere?" You ask walking up to him.

"Uhm no sorry, but I can help you look for her" he says and gets up. You both look everywhere and she's no where to be seen so you two go outside to see if she's there. And she was. With Tim. Kissing.

Your heart shatters and your eyes become glassy. Johnny gasps and walks you back inside. He brings you into a hug and ribs your back while you cry. "It's okay y/n calm down, I'll go talk to her" he says and you nod while wiping your tears.

Johnny walks out to find Helena alone now sitting on the bench with her head in her hands. "Helena I love you, but what the fuck was that?!" He says and sits next to her. She looks up at him with teary eyes.

"I- he-" that's all she manages to get out before she bursts out in tears. "Come on don't cry" he says and rubs her back.

"H-he said that if I didn't k-kiss him he would hurt y/n" she says and crys again hiding her face. Johnny brings her into a hug and trys to calm her down. "She saw you kiss him Helena" he says and her mouth drops open. "N-no!" She says and stands up.

"Where is she?!" She says and starts looking around inside. "I don't know she was here! She might of gone home I remember her ringing someone she might of called an uber!" Johnny says and Helena sighs.

Y/NS pov:

I had to get out of there. I didn't wanna see Helena or Tim. I called an uber and headed home. When I got there I unlocked the front door and saw Elena holding Sofia. "Hey" you say and shut the door behind you.

Elena turns round seeing you alone with sees mascara running down your face.
"Sweetheart what happened? What's wrong? Where's Helena?" Elena says  putting Sofia down on her baby play mat and making her way over to you. She brings you into a hug and you let your tears run free.

"S-she kissed Tim" you say and Elena was speechless."what?!" She says and you nod. "Oh y/n I'm so sorry, come on let's sit you down" Elena says and guides you to the sofa. "I really thought she loved me! We have a kid together! Everything goes well and then I see her kissing Tim!" You rant and cry into Elena's shoulder.

She comforts you while you have another rant.

End of y/ns pov:

Hellie kept calling you but you didn't answer. You couldn't answer. "She's not answering me" Helena says to Johnny and he sighs and gets his phone out and starts ringing you.

You sigh and accept. "Hi" you say bluntly and he gives his phone to Helena. "Y/n please just listen to me-" that's all she could say before you cut her off again. You out your phone on silent and sat on the sofa watching yours and hellies daughter while Elena made you some tea.

Hellie says bye to Johnny and gets in the car that got you both to the party. She made her way home probably driving over the speed limit. A few minutes later she walked through the door and your heart dropped.

You just sat still on the sofa watching your baby on the floor. "Y/n" hellie says and you hum as a response. "Look at me" she says but you give no answer. She sighs and walks Infront of you.

"What" you say looking at her noticing the tears falling out of her eyes. Elena takes Sofia and goes upstairs into the nursery to give you both privacy.

"You kissed him" you whisper in an angry tone. "I know I know I did but I only did it to protect you" she says and holds your hands but you stand up and get out of her grip.

"To protect me?! That's ridiculous! To protect me from what?! I mean we have a fucking baby together!" You say raising your voice which only makes her cry more. "No listen to me! He-" you cut her off. "No you listen to me okay! I broke my rib and my fucking nose while I was protecting you from him! I went to this stupid party today to protect you from him. You humiliated me Infront of my friends! And you say your protecting me?!" You say now crying.

"JUST FUCKING LISTEN TO ME" Helena now shouts and you flinch. You start having a panic attack and you drop to the floor. Helena puts her hand over her mouth realising what she's done. She goes to the ground with you and holds you tightly.

Every part of you told you to move but you needed to be in her arms right now. "I'm really sorry I'm so sorry I didn't mean to" Helena says rubbing your back crying. "Follow my breathing" she says and you breathe with her.

"He said if I didn't kiss him he would hurt you!" She says and you cry more. "I-im sorry" she says and you sit up. "I'm sorry for not letting you explain" you say and look at her.

"You have nothing to be sorry for" she says and kisses you. You kiss her back and you get up with the help of hellie.

"I love you" you say to her and she kisses your forehead. "I love you too darling" she says and you smile at her and play with the curls in her hair.

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