
455 17 29

Tw: birth, needles, labour

Your due dates in 3 days and the last month has been horrible. Your laying in bed with hellie, the kids are at Elena's and hellies trying to calm you down. "As soon as your water breaks we can go to the hospital, we can't do anything except wait now love" hellie says and you cry into her shoulder.

Hellie goes to the shops once you've calmed down and she comes home to find you laying on the bathroom floor eating a piece of bread. She chuckles and you groan eatlng more.

"Are you alright?" She asks still laughing. "I don't even like bread" you say and start crying because of the hormones. "Oh dear" she giggles and helps you up off the floor and back into bed. "I'm not going to lie that was pretty funny" she says and you pout. She kisses you and cuddles into you.

"No more kids after this one" you say and hellie chuckles. "No more" hellie agrees and you watch some TV for a while. You start falling to sleep as hellie continues to watch the tv. It's about 11pm when she finally drifts off but is soon disturbed when your shouting her name and she can feel a wet patch on your side of the bed.

"HELENA!" you shout and she shoots up. "Deep breaths, come on I'll help you in the car" she says and supports you and sits in the car. You get your first labor pain and you grip on the seat and whine. "DRIVE FASTER" you order hellie and you soon get to the hospital. The doctor sits you on a bed and connects you to different machines before leaving the room.

"Hellie it really hurts" you say and hellie places little kisses on your stomach. "it will be over soon, you can get the epidural and it will be okay" hellie says and kisses your forehead. You get another contraction and hellie whispers sweet nothings in your ear while rubbing your stomach.

"Hey baby relax for me, deep breaths, look at me" hellie says and you soon calm down. "How did you do this, I can't believe I'm not dead" you say. "Come one don't say that, your not going to die" Helena says and the doctor comes in

"Would you like the epidural?" The midwife asks and you nod quickly. "Okay, let's sit you up" the midwife and hellie both lean you forward and the doctor places the needle in your back.

The midwife goes and your left with Helena again. "Im so happy your with me" you say as hellie ties your hair up to get it out of your face. "I wouldn't miss this for the world" she says and kisses your forehead.

Time skip cause I'm lazy

"Oh god hellie i- I think the baby's coming" you say and hellie calls the midwife in. "Okay y/n your ready to start pushing" the midwife says and you take a deep breath before gripping hellies hand and start pushing. "Fuck me you have a strong grip" hellie says and you give her the death stare.

"Okay come on you got it, deep breaths" hellie says lifting your leg up and giving you words of encouragement. "FUCKK" you yell as you push. "Y/n you need to push a little bit harder darling" the midwife says. "I can't!" You sob and put your head down.

"Yes come on you can I can see the head, one big push" hellie says and you start pushing again. "AHHHH" you tell and the midwife slides the baby out of you. You put your head back and sigh in relief as you hear the crys of your newborn. "Good job!" The midwife says and gets the sisscors out. "Hellie would you like to cut the cord?" The midwife says and she nods wiping her tears. Once she's cut it she gives the baby to the nurse and then starts cleaning you up.

"Well done love, I'm so proud of you! You did it I knew you could!" She says and you smile weakly at her. All your baby hairs are stuck to your face from the sweat and your just exhausted. The nurse gives you the baby and you hold her in your arms for the first time. "She's beautiful" you whisper and take in all her features. "Just like you" hellie says and you smile at her.

You go into recovery and hellie sits by your side. "can I hold her?" Hellie says. "Of course hellie it's your daughter too" you say and hellie takes her carefully from your arms. "Oh she's so precious" hellie says and kisses her forehead.

"I don't know how you done that twice" you say and hellie laughs. "It was worth it though wasn't it?" Hellie giggles and you nod whilst smiling.

"I wonder what Leo and sofia will think" you say. "I bet they will love her, Sofia's getting older now so she will probably ask if your okay" hellie says and you nod smiling.

"Hello ladies, how about we try breast feeding?" The midwife says as she comes in. You let her do what she needs to do and she lifts your top up and places the baby by your breast. Soon the baby latches on to your nipple and starts feeding. "Oh god that feels weird" you say and hellie laughs. The midwife smiles and tells you she will be back to check on you soon.

"I love you both" hellie says and you smile. "Well we love you!" You say and hellie smiles before kissing you gently. "So does it feel weird?" Hellie asks and props your head up with a pillow. "It does...I just can't believe we have another one and I made another human" you say and hellie giggles.

"Well you did a great job" she says and you smile up at her. "What are we going to name her?" You ask her and she starts thinking. "Uhmmm..I like the name Luna" hellie suggests and you look down at your newborn. "I like that, she looks like a Luna" you say. "Luna it is" hellie says and kisses you again.

"Hi Luna , you are going to be loved so much by me and mumma and everyone else" you say to Luna and kiss her head.

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