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Hellies due date is in 2 days so the baby can come at any minute now. You have both been getting bearly any sleep and you've just been worrying about hellie. She normally wakes up in the middle of the night in pain and you just feel so sorry for her.

Her hospital bag is packed and ready to go by the door, the baby's car seat is in the car. All hellie needs to do now is to give birth. She's sitting on her pregnancy ball and your working on the finishing touches to the baby's nursery. It's a neutral theme as you and hellie don't know what the gender is.

Helena hasn't seen the nursery yet because you wanted it to be a surprise for her. Once it's all done you call hellie upstairs and take her hand. You tell her to close her eyes.

"Don't run me into something" hellie says and you laugh. "Awh plan ruined" you say and that earns you a hit on the arm. "I'm joking I'm joking" you say and laugh.  You stand hellie outside the nursery and open the door. "Okay open!" You say and hellie opens her eyes and gasps.

"Oh my god this is so fricking adorable!!" Hellie says and walks in looking at all the decorations. "You like it?" You ask her and she smiles and nods. "I love it" she says and walks over to you and hugs you. You give her a kiss and smile back at her. "I'm glad you like it" you say and she hugs you again.

 "I'm glad you like it" you say and she hugs you again

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2 hours later

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2 hours later

Your sitting downstairs watching TV and hellies sitting on her pregnancy ball Infront of you. "Y/n..." Hellie says and you hum as an answer. "my waters broke" hellie says and turns her head to look at you.

You sit up "no they haven't, your having me on" you say and hellie shales her head. "No y/n were gonna be parents!" Helena says and you believe her more this time. You stand up and see the wet patch under hellie. "Oh my god! Okay come on we're going to the hospital" you say and run to get the bag. You add any extra stuff and your running around everywhere.

You help hellie into the car and you load the bag into the back of the car. You get in the driver's seat and turn the engine on. Hellie gets a contraction and groans in pain. "Oo god" hellie says and puts her hands on her stomach. "It's okay hellie breathe in and out" you say and let her follow your breathing

(Imma be talking about childbirth so of that freaks you out then I suggest u don't read this bit)

Once you get to hospital you go to the receptionist and the midwife shows you a private room. She runs tests on hellie and finds out hellies only 3cm dilated. The midwife leaves and says she will be back in a couple of hours to check.

"How you doing my love" you say and pull a chair next to hellies bed. You hold her hand and move some hair out of her face.

"I want to just have this baby out of me" hellie says and you giggle softly making her chuckle. "It will be all over soon baby, then we will have our baby boy or girl for the rest of our lives" you say and she nods and smiles. "You are right" hellie says and you nod. "I'm always right" you say and she shakes her head.

"I don't think so" hellie says. "I think so" you say and she rolls her eyes playfully and laughs.

"Darling do you mind messaging my mum" Helena asks you and you nod and get her phone out the bag. You message hellies mum and then you put her phone down. You get hellies pillow out her bag and tell her to sit up but she just groans.

"Omg hellie sit up" you say and she laughs and stays still. You sigh and move her to sit up. You prop the pillow behold her and you lay her back down. "Better?" You say and she nods. "Mhmm"

The midwife comes back in and asks hellie how she's doing. "I want this baby out of me" hellie says which makes you laugh a tiny bit. The midwife laughs and smiles nodding her head. "Your only 5cm I'm sorry, but not yet" the midwife says and hellie leans her head back and groans.

Looks like it's going to be a long night.

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