the park

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Today's the day you and hellie are going to announce your spectacular news to the world. It's been a week since she first asked you out and oh my god it's been the best. "Do you want a tea my pet?" Hellie asks you from the kitchen, god them nicknames drive you crazy.

"Yes please my love, I'll be in the garden with bells" she nods and smiles and you peck her lips. You walk into the garden with Bella and she runs around, you throw her ball and run around with her. Then hellie comes out and sits in the outdoor chair.

"Oh god Bella's going crazy" hellie laughs and so do you. "Yep she's got alot of energy"

"So should we go and announce it to the world?" Hellie smirks and you get up and hold your hand out. "Let's do it" you smile and she holds your hand. You get Bella inside and lock the back door. You grab your purse and walk to the park hand in hand with Helena.

Once you get to the park the paparazzi soon find you both and take pictures of you both. "Are you guys dating?" One of the paparazzi asks you both. Before you could say anything hellie speaks up. "yes me and y/n are dating and were both perfectly happy" the paparazzi go mad, you smile and laugh and so does hellie.

Then Helena pulls you in and kisses you, you hear loads of cameras clicking and everyone clapping and shouting. You both laugh and pull away. Hellie takes your hand and you walk through the paparazzi.

"Oo let's go down to the little cafe down the street it's really nice in there" you suggest "sure let's go!" You walk to the place and order a couple drinks. "So have  you heard anything from directors or auditions?" You ask hellie. "Actually yes, a series based of the royal family. It's quite interesting so I'm going to send my audition and hope I get it!" She says excitedly.

"Awh that's amazing darling I hope you get it!" You reach across the table and grab her hand and kiss it which makes her blush. "Thank you pet, have you heard anything?" She asks sipping her tea

"Yes there's a new season of American horror story and Ryan Murphy asked me to be apart of it!" "Oh darling that's great! Are you going to take it?"

"Hmm yes i think I am the part sounds very interesting and I'll get to work with all of the same actors again which will be nice"  you explain and she listens carefully and nods.

That's what you love about hellie. She actually listens to what you have to say and what your saying, everyone else that you have been with dosent actually listen...they just normally think about what you look like naked. But helena don't, well sometimes.

"Awh I think that great my love! Oh also..I've spoke to my mum, about us and she wants to meet you!" She says happily

"Oh hellie I would love to!" She smiles and you arrange a day to go round her mum's house. You walk home and unlock the front door, hellie goes upstairs and finds a photo album.

"Y/n look what I founddd" you run upstairs and see hellie with the album.
"Oh god I remember this, look through them" you sit on the bed with her and she looks at all the photos, then she comes across a section called 'helena Bonham carter' she looks at you and raises an eyebrow.

She turns the page and sees pictures of you dressed up like Mrs lovett from sweeney Todd, you hair like her and the outfit. She opens her mouth and looks at you. "Oh my god darling you look exactly like Mrs lovett!" She says looking at the photos again "that's what I was going for" you laugh and she smacks you arm playfully.

"You know what I mean!" She looks through the other pages and then finds your baby pictures. "Awhhh baby y/n!!" She laughs and you blush. "Awhh look at how cute you was!!" You both laugh and you go downstairs to let bells out. You make you and hellie dinner, which was tacos.

"HELENA BONHAM CARTER GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE NOW!" you shout from the bottom of the stairs. She thinks she's done something wrong so she rushes downstairs. "What?!" She comes into the kitchen. "Dinners ready" you say innocently and she rolls her eyes playfully and sits down next to you.

You both eat while chatting about everything and nothing at the same time. Your meeting hellies mum next week and you really hope she likes you! Well in person that is, hellies mum watches you on TV and in films that you have been in so she knows who you are. You think that's quiet cute.

After dinner you race upstairs and jump in bed with Bella and Helena. You out TV and cuddle up to the two of them. You and hellie share some kisses that get heated very quickly...

A/N I'm kind of stuck for idea at the moment so as always send requests and I'll get round to doing them! If no one's told you this today, I love you!

Stay safe, love A xx

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