Worth The Pain (2)

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once i was ready, i got up. i put my hands on his back softly, letting my nails dig into it slightly. i kissed the sides of his neck then focused on the part that was most accessible. as i did that, sean's hands slowed on the keys but still attempted to play. sean sighed pleasurably. my hands moved along his back and touched him suggestively, migrating over to his front and going underneath his shirt.

"you're so sexy, sean." i said after nibbling his ear. i heard his breath hitch in his throat as i kissed the key spot on his neck that i knew drove him crazy. he turned around swiftly to pull me onto his lap but i put my hands on his own, which were resting on my hips.

"ah ah ah. not yet, my love." i said teasingly. sean huffed as i backed away, making his hands drop from my body. as i backed away, i undid the drawstring on my sweatpants. "i know you've been anticipating this so i wanted to give you all that you deserve." i said while taking off my tank top, revealing the top of the lace set.

sean's intense gaze went from my own to my revealing lace set. i stood in front of him, wanting him to do the honors. i looked down at him as he took the hint and hooked his hands into my sweatpants, pulling them down slowly. he kissed my stomach, going lower while pulling them down. he kissed down my thigh, following the trail.

i stepped out of the pants and kicked them to the side. sean sighed once again, causing me to giggle. i pressed the button on the speaker to start the music. i threw him a wink before starting jojo's choreo. i made sure to maintain eye contact with him, but if i was being honest, the way he was looking at me made me a little nervous.

shortly, the choreo was over but i went over to sean with the music still playing. he took this time to grab me roughly, pulling me onto his leg. he captured my lips while rocking me to the beat of the song on his leg. his lips pulled away from mine then kissed my neck. "that was tempting, babygirl." he said in my ear.

i moaned in response while speeding up my grinding. "nope. unless you want to be punished, you will keep tempo. understand?" he asked. i groaned but obliged. "i didn't hear you." he said slapping my ass hard.

i pulled back a little and looked him in the eye. "yes sir." i said while slowing my grinding. something flashed in sean's eyes when i used the authoritative name. i knew it always turned him on. it was never something he verbally admitted, but i knew he wanted to be addressed with authority by me in the bedroom.

i moaned as i felt my bundle rub against the lace and the muscles of his leg. "then again, what would my punishment consist of?" i asked starting to speed up my pace on his leg again. the feeling of my throbbing sex and the lace against each other was put aside as curiosity filled me. what would he do to me? would he overstimulate me again or get me right on the edge so i begged for more?

sean smirked and carried me to our bedroom. he kisses me sweetly then threw me onto the bed. i bit my lip at his roughness. he looked underneath the bed for something then i heard him scoff. when he came into my sight again, i saw my bag that i brought along with another one.

"great minds think alike, huh?" he said with a smirk. "now i have more to punish you with. so just because you were so thoughtful," he played with the brown rope i bought as he made his way over to me. "i'll be a little nicer to you, but if you sass me, you know what the penalty is." he said, looking at me like i was his prey.

"i understand." i said with a nod. he looked at me expectantly. "i understand, sir." he smirked almost menacingly.

"good." he said, his voice had a sadistic tone to it and the tiny bit of fear inside of me mixed with excitement. "when i return, i want you to be undressed, but i want those delicate lace panties on. okay, angel?" i nodded quickly and waited for sean to leave the room.

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