Damsel in Distress (4)

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Last and final part of Damsel in Distress
Sean felt his head pounding as his eyes escaped the darkness that clasped onto him. He could make out the tiled ceiling and the lights that beamed blindingly. All he could hear was his heartbeat and the faint sound of beeping machines, emphasizing his heartbeat.

The patient blinked in a harsh manner as he came to, recognizing the smell of medicated needles and hand sanitizer. He was in a hospital...again. It was becoming one of his least favorite places on the rotting earth. The beeps of the machines reminded him of the birds chirping, making their own harmonies and tunes that would eventually install itself into his memory. The doctors gave him meds like it was breakfast in bed. Sean felt it might as well have been given to him on a silver platter.

So many times when he'd been saved, he just wished his previous efforts would cause him to meet his maker. 'What happened this time?' he thought.

That's when all of his senses began to function. Once he fully came to, he noticed soft fingertips on his and a slight weight on his shoulder. His eyes slowly wandered to his right side where he felt his hand enveloped gently with warmth.

Sean's eyes settled on a pale girl with red circles around her eyes and rosy cheeks. The brunette's head settled on the hospital bed next to Sean's thigh. Her hand held his as if she were scared to hurt him, making Sean chuckle to himself. He then turned his head slightly to examine what the weight was on his shoulder.

Before he completely turned his head, he already saw the girl's signature light brown highlights. She held his hand too, but with both hands and close to her heart as she snuggled into his now conscious body. Sean smiled softly at the sight. His best friend curled her legs up ever so slightly so she could fit in the space he left on the bed. When he looked at her face, he could clearly see her tear-stained cheeks and faint dark circles under her eyes.

"My girls." Sean whispered to himself, rubbing his thumb on both of their knuckles. Letting out a heavy sigh, he closed his eyes and lifted their hands to his mouth, laying a lingering kiss on both gently.

Bailey stirred in her sleep at his movement, barely hanging onto her slumber due to her concern for the man beside her. Her eyes opened slightly to see Sean watching her.

"Oh my god, you're awake. You're awake!" Bailey squealed, jumping up and into my arms, careful not to hurt her friend's injured body. Her arms looped around his neck while her head rested in the crook of his neck. "Don't cry, Bails. I'm okay." Sean's voice rasped due to the dryness of his throat. He felt a few of her tears land on his neck.

He hugged her tighter, knowing it always made her feel better. While Sean rubbed her back soothingly, he noticed Kaycee had sat up and was looking on with a small smile. "Come here." He told her softly, holding out his hand.

Kaycee crossed her arms as her face displayed uncertainty. "Please." He begged softly, slightly pouting his lip. Bailey pulled away half of her body and ushered Kaycee over as well.

The broken girl shuffled her feet over to the bed before being pulled into Sean's side. His arm snaked around her waist naturally before kissing her cheek. "How are you?" The injured boy asked, nudging Kaycee softly.

Sean was met with silence despite all of the thoughts Kaycee had swirling around in her brain. She couldn't get over the simple fact that this was her fault. The last thing she ever wanted was to hurt Sean or be the cause of it. What messed with her the most was that even after what she did, Sean still held her close as if he still felt the same as before. As if he cared for her.

"I'm gonna go tell the doctors you're awake. There's water in that cup. Drink it. I'll be back." Bailey said pointedly while rising from the bed and walking out the room then closing the door behind her. Once the door shut, the patient turned to the beaut beside him, his gaze on her never faltering.

"Kayc, what is it?" Sean asked, moving impossibly closer to her. He felt a sharp pain on the side of his torso, but he ignored it. He just wanted to be with her, to feel her.

Kaycee looked up at what was the result of her mistake. Regret was an understatement to how she was feeling. Looking him in the eye was equivalent to the pain of the cigarette burns her mom installed on her back. The broken girl never thought she'd look such desolation in the face again.

"I almost killed you." Kaycee muttered with shame. The boy instantly furrowed his brows in confusion. He knew Kaycee's heart. After this short amount of time, he'd connected with her better than anyone in a very long time. She made him feel seen, alive even. There was no way she would ever put him in danger, not on purpose.

Kaycee took his silence as a sign to proceed with her statement. "Sean, I wanted to leave. I didn't want to be here anymore...I broke our deal." She explained while looking at her fidgeting hands, not having the courage to look him in the eye.

"Kaycee, you didn't do anything to me. I would've remembered-" He started, the distraught girl cutting him off. "You pushed me out of the way of a speeding car. I was high and delusional off Xanax pills that I stole! I wanted to feel anything, even if that meant leaving you. But you saved me. The doctor said you would forget, that you'd have a slight case of amnesia." She sniffled, finally allowing her previously withheld tears to fall.

Sean's heart broke as he listened to her. She wanted to leave, but he stopped her. 'Was I not good enough to make her stay? Am I?' he thought. With a gaze of sorrow, the girl leaned into Sean, careful not to hurt him.

"I know what you're thinking and in no way is this your fault." She reassured, intertwining their hands.  The crying girl saw the shame on her companion's face, the sadness along with partial anger. "Listen, you saved me, Sean. In more ways than one." She paused, waiting for him to respond with something but all the patient could do was stare at their hands.

'What did any of this mean if she wanted to leave me like everyone does?' He scolded himself for thinking he was capable of saving someone else when he was entirely broken himself. Kaycee let out a long sigh before grabbing Sean's face, causing him to flinch as she reached for it.

"It's okay." She whispered to him before her hands fully cupped his cheeks. Her touch was gentle as if he could vanish. The soft brush of Kaycee's fingertips on his cheeks made both of them ignite with something more...something intimate and lively.

"You know, when I looked back after you pushed me, I screamed. I started sobbing uncontrollably when I saw your body. That's when I realized my biggest fear...and that is losing you. To think I was only a few seconds away from...leaving, breaks my heart. I need you." She declared.

"No you don't." Sean scoffed. "What good am I for you? I couldn't make you stay, Kaycee! The last thing you need is for me to burden you with my own bullshit. I'm a lost cause, look at me!! I should be dead!" He exclaimed, letting her go. The beeping on his machine intensified as he spoke to her with such disdain for himself.

"I've been in this hospital so many times, they know me by name. That's not going to change. Yes, I've been trying but I- I can't get happy anymore." He said as his own tears fell. Kaycee wiped them with the sleeves of a jacket he gave her.

She could see where he was coming from. Hell, she'd been there herself, but almost losing Sean made her realize how much she wanted out of life. It was worth living as long as he was here. 'How can I make him see that?' She wondered.

"When I was on the roof ready to fall 70 feet off a building, you were there to save me. Do you remember what you said? I remember it like it was yesterday. You told me that if your pain could help anyone to see that this life is worth living then you're content with that. I'm living proof. So yes, I need you here. If you're not, then I'm better off dead like I would've been by now if you didn't see me." Kaycee voiced before hugging him as she felt her eyes gloss over.

"Please stay, Sean." Her voice shook with desperation and fear. Sean looked down at her in awe. He was falling for her intensely. He wasn't being completely honest with her. He wanted to tell her how much he adored her. He'd only stay with her if she wanted him to. The truth was he needed her more.

Sean slowly wrapped his arms around her with his heart beating out of his chest. Placing a light kiss on her head, he nodded. "I'll try. Just tell me if you start to think like that again. I almost lost you." He whispered into her hair.

Kaycee almost squealed at his words. Cherishing the moment, she pulled away slightly and held up her pinky.



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